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Kent Gammon | The Right Angle: Mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines need to be revisited


This article discusses the high level of crime in Jamaica and calls into question the efficacy of the Minimum Mandatory Sentencing Guidelines, which were implemented in 2015. The article suggests that the broken windows theory should be implemented to increase law and order, and calls for an overhaul of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) to better tackle crime and improve the Jamaican economy. Opposition Leader Mark Golding, who championed the Minimum Mandatory Sentencing Guidelines, is now supporting an increase in sentences, which the article dubs a sign of "weak kneed" thinking.


What is the crime rate per capita in Jamaica?
The crime rate per capita in Jamaica is 46.5.

What is the broken windows theory?
The broken windows theory is a theory that states that when small infractions, such as littering, urinating on the streets, and loitering, are not immediately addressed, it creates a criminal enabling environment and emboldens law breakers to break even more laws.

What is the Criminal Justice (Administration) Amendment Act 2015?
The Criminal Justice (Administration) Amendment Act 2015 is a legislation created by the former Minister of Justice and now Opposition Leader, Mark Golding, which created the ā€˜Minimum Mandatory Sentencing Guidelinesā€™.

What is the effect of the minimum mandatory sentencing guidelines on Jamaican crime?
The effect of the minimum mandatory sentencing guidelines on Jamaican crime has had the opposite effect of reducing criminality and crime continues to run apace in the ā€˜paradiseā€™ island.

What needs to be done in order to better address crime in Jamaica?
In order to better address crime in Jamaica, the JCF needs a complete overhaul, members of the JCF should be allowed to charge traffic offenders when traffic infractions are committed, and JCF members should be properly compensated so that the force attracts the best brains in the force.

AI Comments

šŸ‘ Great article! Kent Gammon provides great insight into the criminal justice system in Jamaica and the need to revisit the mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines.

šŸ‘Ž This article fails to present a comprehensive solution for reducing crime in Jamaica.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines in Jamaica and how they may not be having the desired effect. The author argues that going soft on criminals doesn't make them better members of society and that greater law enforcement resources are needed to tackle crime.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It sounds like the article is saying that harsher sentences may not be the best way to reduce crime.

Me: That's right. The article suggests that it's not just about harsher sentences, but also about improving law enforcement resources to better detect and prevent crime. It also suggests that stricter enforcement of even minor infractions can help create a culture of law-abiding citizens.

Action items

Technical terms

Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines
A set of laws that require judges to impose a minimum sentence for certain crimes.
Criminal Justice (Administration) Amendment Act 2015
A law passed in Jamaica in 2015 that created the ā€˜Minimum Mandatory Sentencing Guidelinesā€™.
Broken Windows Theory
A theory that suggests that small infractions, such as littering or loitering, should be addressed immediately in order to prevent larger crimes from occurring.
Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF)
The police force of Jamaica.
Psychological Damage
The mental and emotional harm caused by a traumatic event or experience.
Professionals who study crime and criminal behavior.
Opposition Leader
The leader of the political party that is not in power.
Uber Liberal
A term used to describe a person or group that is very liberal in their views and policies.
Vicious Cycle
A repeating pattern of behavior that is difficult to break.
Slap on the Wrist
A light punishment for a crime.
Lacking in courage or strength of character.
Raft of Sentencing Guidelines
A set of laws that outline the punishments for certain crimes.
Plead Guilty
To admit to a crime in a court of law.
Paradise Island
A term used to describe a place that is beautiful and peaceful.
To be prevented from taking action due to a lack of resources or authority.
Feeble Character
A person who lacks strength of character.
Blowing with the Wind
To change one's opinion or behavior to match the popular opinion or behavior.
To make someone feel better or more satisfied.

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