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The Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, at its meeting held on 23 August 2023, decided to maintain the Standing Deposit Facility Rate (SDFR) and the Standing Lending Facility Rate (SLFR) of the Central Bank at their current levels of 11.00 per cent and 12.00 per cent, respectively. This decision was made following an analysis of current and expected developments in the domestic and global economy. Headline inflation, measured by the Colombo Consumer Price Index (CCPI) and the National Consumer Price Index (NCPI), decelerated to 6.3 per cent and 4.6 per cent, respectively, in July 2023 (year-on-year). The external sector remains resilient, allowing a gradual relaxation of balance of payments restrictions. Market interest rates have been adjusting downward, although disparities in adjustments remain. The reduction of the Statutory Reserve Ratio (SRR) from mid-August 2023 is expected to have eased liquidity strains and lower the cost of funds. Policy interest rates are maintained at their current levels, while measures are introduced to accelerate the reduction of market lending interest rates.


What are the policy interest rates of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka?
The policy interest rates of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka are the Standing Deposit Facility Rate (SDFR) and the Standing Lending Facility Rate (SLFR) of 11.00 per cent and 12.00 per cent, respectively.

What is the current inflation rate in Sri Lanka?
The current inflation rate in Sri Lanka is 6.3 per cent (CCPI) and 4.6 per cent (NCPI).

What measures have been taken by the Central Bank to reduce certain lending interest rates?
The Central Bank has adopted targeted administrative measures to reduce specific lending interest rates that it considered to be excessive and has directed the licensed banks to reduce overall rupee lending interest rates by an appropriate margin in the period ahead.

What impact has the Domestic Debt Optimisation operation had on the risk premia of yields on government securities?
The Domestic Debt Optimisation operation has resulted in a decline in the risk premia of yields on government securities.

What is the potential growth rate of the economy over the medium term?
The potential growth rate of the economy over the medium term is expected to reach its potential level of economic growth.

AI Comments

đź‘Ť This article provides an in-depth analysis of the current economic situation in Sri Lanka and is a great source of information for anyone looking to stay up to date on the latest news, policies, and trends.

đź‘Ž The article is quite lengthy and may be difficult to digest for those who are not very familiar with the economy of Sri Lanka.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the Central Bank of Sri Lanka's decision to maintain policy interest rates at their current levels. The article also discusses the disinflation trend, domestic economic activity, the external sector, and market interest rates.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this decision?

Me: The decision to maintain policy interest rates at their current levels is expected to help facilitate a further downward adjustment in market lending interest rates, which would be beneficial for individuals and businesses, particularly small and medium-scale enterprises. However, the Monetary Board is also introducing targeted administrative measures to reduce specific lending interest rates that it considers to be excessive. This could help ensure that market lending interest rates adjust downwards in line with the eased monetary policy stance of the Central Bank.

Action items

Technical terms

Standing Deposit Facility Rate - the rate at which the Central Bank of Sri Lanka lends money to commercial banks.
Standing Lending Facility Rate - the rate at which the Central Bank of Sri Lanka borrows money from commercial banks.
Colombo Consumer Price Index - a measure of the average change in prices of goods and services purchased by consumers in the Colombo area.
National Consumer Price Index - a measure of the average change in prices of goods and services purchased by consumers in Sri Lanka.
HS codes
Harmonized System codes - a system of international codes used to classify goods for the purpose of international trade.
Statutory Reserve Ratio - the percentage of deposits that commercial banks are required to hold as reserves with the Central Bank.
Domestic Debt Optimisation - a strategy used by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka to reduce the cost of borrowing and improve the efficiency of debt management.

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