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Brain implants powered by AI help paralyzed man feel and move again


In a first-of-its-kind clinical trial, Keith Thomas, a paralyzed man, has regained feeling and movement through the help of AI-enabled chips implanted into his brain. The process involved mapping his brain and a 15-hour operation to implant the chips. The chips are connected to a computer that interprets brain activity and turns it into physical activity. Thomas has regained some movement in his arm, and is feeling some new sensations in his forearm and wrist. It is hoped that this technology will be able to help other paralyzed people, and Thomas is optimistic that it can.


How did Keith Thomas regain feeling and movement after a diving accident?
Keith Thomas regained feeling and movement through the help of an AI chip implanted into his brain.

How does the AI-enabled implant chip work to restore movement and sensation in Keith Thomas' body?
The AI-enabled implant chip works by sending signals from Thomas' brain to a computer running AI algorithms that can interpret brain activity and turn it into physical activity. Sensors placed on his fingertips and palms transmit pressure and data to the region of his brain responsible for sensation.

What are the potential benefits of using this technology to help other paralyzed patients?
The potential benefits of using this technology to help other paralyzed patients include regaining some functions and sensations, increased arm strength, and feeling touch.

What did Keith Thomas have to go through in order to receive the AI-enabled implant chip?
Keith Thomas had to spend months mapping his brain with MRIs to locate the exact regions responsible for arm movement and the hands' sensation to touch. He then underwent a 15-hour operation to implant the chips.

What did Keith Thomas say about the possibility of helping other people with the technology?
Keith Thomas said, "If this can help someone even more than it's helped me somewhere down the line, it's all worth it."

AI Comments

👍 This article is incredible! It's inspiring to see how AI technology is being used to help those with disabilities. The story of Keith Thomas is truly remarkable and gives hope to many people.

👎 While it's great to see this technology being used to help those with disabilities, it's not clear that it will be accessible to everyone. The cost of this technology might be too high for many people to afford.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a paralyzed man who regained feeling and movement due to an AI chip implanted into his brain. It's part of a clinical trial to see if the technology can be used to help other paralyzed patients.

Friend: Wow, that's amazing. It's great that this technology can be used to help people who have disabilities.

Me: Yes, it's really incredible. But it also raises a lot of ethical questions. For example, should AI implants be used to enhance physical and cognitive abilities beyond what is considered normal? What are the implications for privacy and autonomy? There are a lot of important questions to consider.

Action items

Technical terms

AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI is a type of computer technology that is designed to simulate human intelligence and behavior. It is used to create intelligent systems that can think, learn, and act independently.
An implant is a device that is surgically inserted into the body to replace or supplement a missing or malfunctioning body part.
Clinical Trial
A clinical trial is a research study in which volunteers are given a medical treatment or drug to test its safety and effectiveness.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type of imaging test that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the body.
Non-invasive procedures are medical treatments that do not involve cutting into the body or inserting instruments into the body.
Electrodes are small metal discs that are placed on the skin to measure electrical activity in the body.
Thought-Driven Therapy
Thought-driven therapy is a type of therapy that uses AI-enabled chips implanted in the brain to interpret brain activity and turn it into physical activity.
GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)
GPT is a type of artificial intelligence model that is used to generate text. It is trained on large amounts of text data and can be used to generate new text that is similar to the original data.

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