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日大アメフト部に大麻疑惑 寮内て使用か 大学側か調査中、警察に相談済み




What sport team is being investigated for marijuana usage?
The Nihon University American Football team is being investigated for marijuana usage.

What punishment did the Kanto Student Union impose on the team's coaches?
The Kanto Student Union imposed a "dismissal" punishment, which is equivalent to a permanent expulsion, on the team's coaches.

What is the team known for?
The Nihon University American Football team is known for winning the Koshien Bowl 21 times.

How many students were seen entering and exiting the team's dormitory?
One student was seen entering and exiting the team's dormitory.

What other sports related articles are featured on the website?
Other sports related articles featured on the website include tennis, NBA, badminton, NFL, table tennis, lacrosse, sumo, judo, high school lacrosse, gymnastics, and swimming.

AI Comments

👍 I am impressed with the amount of coverage and detail the article provided on the topic of sports. It was a comprehensive overview of the latest news related to sports in Japan, with topics ranging from tennis to sumo to football.

👎 The article focuses too much on the scandals and controversies surrounding sports in Japan. While it is important to highlight these issues, it does not provide enough information on the positive aspects of sports in the country.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a potential marijuana scandal at the Nippon University American Football team. Apparently, there is information that the team may have been using marijuana in their dormitory and the university is investigating the matter. The police have already been consulted and the university is talking to the team members, coaches, and former members about it.

Friend: Wow, that's serious! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it could have serious consequences for the team and university if it turns out to be true. It could also lead to disciplinary action and a possible suspension of the team. Additionally, it could have a negative impact on the reputation of the university and its sports teams, which could affect recruitment and donations.

Action items

Technical terms

日大アメフト部 (Nihon University American Football Club)
A college American football club at Nihon University in Tokyo's Nakano Ward.
大麻 (Marijuana)
A psychoactive drug derived from the Cannabis plant.
寮 (Dormitory)
A residence hall or student housing facility.
QB (Quarterback)
The leader of the offensive team in American football, responsible for calling the play in the huddle and taking the snap from the center before each play.
TOP8 (Top 8)
The top eight teams in the Kanto University League.
除名 (Expulsion)
The permanent removal of a person from an organization or group.
傷害容疑 (Assault)
A criminal charge alleging that a person has caused physical harm to another person.
ATPツアー (ATP Tour)
The men's professional tennis tour organized by the Association of Tennis Professionals.
タンハク質 (Thiamine)
A vitamin found in many foods, especially in whole grains, legumes, and meat.
セルフチェック (Self-Check)
A process of self-examination to identify potential health problems.
筋肉急募 (Muscle Recruitment)
A process of recruiting people to build muscle quickly.
iHerb (iHerb)
An online retailer of health and wellness products.

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