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‘Hidden’ structures discovered on the far side of the moon


A new study has revealed the presence of buried structures on the far side of the Moon. These structures were spotted thanks to data collected by China’s Chang’e-4 rover and could reveal billions of years of the Moon's geological history. Scientists theorize that the Moon was formed from the substances ejected from a giant impact between the Early Earth and a Mars-sized planet. The study was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.


What recently discovered structures are located on the far side of the Moon?
Buried structures

How deep can ground penetrating radar now detect the geological structure of the Moon?
Up to 300 metres

What theory explains the similarities between the Earth and Moon's orbits?
The Giant Impact Hypothesis

What could evidence of the structures located on the far side of the Moon indicate?
A series of basalt eruptions that occurred billions of years ago

What efforts have been made to explore the Moon's geological history?
Data collected by China's Chang’e-4 rover and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

AI Comments

👍 Wow, this article is full of incredible insights into the history of the Moon! It's amazing to think that billions of years ago there could have been volcanoes on the Moon.

👎 This article is quite long and confusing. It's difficult to make sense of the information presented and it's unclear what the main point is.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a recent discovery of structures buried deep beneath the surface of the Moon on its far side. Apparently, the structures could be remnants of ancient volcanic eruptions that occurred billions of years ago.

Friend: Wow, that's incredible! It could provide a lot of insight into the Moon's geological history.

Me: Yes, and it could also shed some light on the Giant Impact Hypothesis, which is a theory that suggests that the Moon was formed from the substances ejected from the impact of the Early Earth and a Mars-sized planet. It could also help explain why the Moon has lower concentrations of metals than the Earth.

Action items

Technical terms

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
A type of radar used to detect subsurface layers and structures.
Chang’e-4 rover
A Chinese lunar rover that was used to collect data for the study.
Giant Impact Hypothesis
A theory that suggests the Moon was formed from the substances ejected from a collision between the Early Earth and a Mars-sized planet.

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