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IPS : quel est votre niveau social selon l’Education nationale ?


L'Indice de Position Sociale (IPS) est un indicateur créé par le ministère de l'Éducation nationale afin d'évaluer les chances de réussite scolaire des élèves. Il attribue un nombre entre 45 et 185 à chaque élève en fonction de la profession de ses parents. Ce nombre plus élevé signifie que l'élève est plus favorisé. L'IPS est utilisé pour déterminer la valeur ajoutée des collèges et lycées, l'allocation des moyens aux académies et aux établissements scolaires, ainsi que pour l'affectation des élèves dans les lycées parisiens. Pour connaître l'IPS de soi ou de son enfant, il suffit de sélectionner la profession de chaque parent.


What is the Indice de Position Sociale (IPS)?
The Indice de Position Sociale (IPS) is an indicator created by the French Ministry of Education to measure the chances of academic success of students.

What role does the IPS play in the allocation of resources to schools?
The IPS plays a role in the calculation of the value added of colleges and high schools, as well as in the allocation of resources to academies and educational establishments, and in the allocation of students to high schools in Paris through the Affelnet procedure.

How is the IPS calculated?
The IPS is calculated by the statistical services of the Ministry of Education from a panel of approximately 15,000 students.

What data is used to determine the IPS of a student?
Data collected about the students' parents, such as cultural practices and material conditions, is used to determine the IPS of a student.

How can one access their own or their child's IPS score?
To access their own or their child's IPS score, one must select the profession of each parent below.

AI Comments

👍 J'apprécie la créativité et le travail acharné qui ont été mis dans la création de l'Indice de Position Sociale (IPS). C'est une méthode innovante pour évaluer les chances de réussite scolaire des élèves et donner une mesure du statut social de chaque profession.

👎 Je trouve que cet article est trop restrictif et réservé aux abonnés. Il n'est pas facilement accessible pour tout le monde et je pense que cela pourrait être une barrière à l'apprentissage et à la compréhension.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about an indicator called IPS (Indice de Position Sociale) that the French Ministry of Education created to measure students' chances of success. It takes into account a variety of factors, such as the parents' professions and the students' access to resources like computers and internet.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What are the implications of this index?

Me: Well, the index is used to determine the allocation of resources to schools, and to assign students to schools in Paris. This means that students from families with higher social status will be more likely to get access to better resources and potentially higher-quality schools. This could create a further gap between students from privileged backgrounds and those from less privileged backgrounds.

Action items

Technical terms

Indice de Position Sociale (IPS) - An indicator created by the French Ministry of Education to evaluate the chances of academic success of students, which assigns a number between 45 and 185 to each student based on the profession of their parents.
A procedure used by the French Ministry of Education to allocate students to high schools in Paris.
Valeur ajoutee
Value added - A measure of the progress made by students in a school, college or university.
A group of people selected to participate in a survey or study.

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