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🤖 ChatGPT unlocks new upgrades


This article discusses the new updates to ChatGPT, a program developed by OpenAI. It also covers how AI is being used to help a quadriplegic man move and feel again, and how IBM and NASA are using AI to tackle climate change. Additionally, the article mentions six new tools that are trending as well as three quick hits related to AI. Lastly, the article offers sponsored content and a review of the newsletter.


What upgrades have been made to ChatGPT?
ChatGPT has been upgraded to show suggested follow-up prompts at the bottom of outputs, allow users to upload multiple files for analysis with the Code Interpreter beta, and introduce keyboard shortcuts to improve efficiency.

How has AI helped a quadriplegic man move and feel again?
Researchers have used AI-powered brain implants to restore movement and sensation for a man who was paralyzed from the chest down. Brain signals activate electrodes on the man's spine and muscles, enabling arm movement when he thinks about it.

What are IBM and NASA doing to tackle climate change using AI?
IBM and NASA have teamed up to apply AI in analyzing the Earth's climate, and have open-sourced the AI model on Hugging Face, making it widely available to the public.

What is Incogni and how does it help protect personal information?
Incogni scrubs personal information from the web, protecting users from health insurers raising rates, scammers taking out loans in their name, and other bad actors using personal data.

What AI-powered tools are trending and what do they do?
Graft, HyperWrite, heyphoto, Superhuman, Humata, and Supertools are trending AI-powered tools. Graft helps build, deploy, and monitor AI-powered solutions without coding or ML expertise. HyperWrite is an AI agent that handles tasks from booking flights to conducting in-depth research. Heyphoto tunes selfies and group photos with AI. Superhuman provides the fastest email experience ever made with AI-powered features. Humata allows users to ask questions and chat with any file instantly using AI. Supertools organizes 100’s of AI tools in one spot.

AI Comments

👍 Wow, the AI advancements described in this article are incredible! It's amazing to see how AI is being used to help people in so many different ways.

👎 This article is too long and the content is too technical. It would be better if the information was presented in a more concise and understandable way.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about some new AI-related developments, like OpenAI's new feature for ChatGPT that will show suggested follow-up prompts, IBM and NASA's new open-sourced AI model for analyzing the Earth's climate, and AI-powered brain implants that have helped a quadriplegic man to move and feel again.

Friend: Wow, that's really amazing! It's incredible how AI is being used to make these kinds of breakthroughs.

Me: It really is! The implications of this are huge. AI is helping us make advances in healthcare, climate change, and even in the gaming industry. AI is also making it easier for us to interact with each other, with tools like ChatGPT. Plus, it's providing more efficient and accurate solutions to everyday tasks. It's a really exciting time for AI.

Action items

Technical terms

🤖 ChatGPT
ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI. It is designed to generate natural language responses to user input.
AI chip
An AI chip is a type of computer chip that is specifically designed to process artificial intelligence algorithms.
Plus users
Plus users are users of the ChatGPT platform who have paid for additional features and access.
Code Interpreter beta
The Code Interpreter beta is a feature of the ChatGPT platform that allows users to upload multiple files for analysis.
GPT-4 is a language model developed by OpenAI. It is used to generate natural language responses to user input.
Incogni is a service that helps users remove their personal information from the web.
Double neural bypass
Double neural bypass is a procedure used to restore movement and sensation for people who are paralyzed. It involves implanting brain microchips that control movement and touch sensation.
Open source
Open source is a type of software development model in which the source code is made freely available to the public.
Hugging Face
Hugging Face is an open source library of AI models.
AI model
An AI model is a set of algorithms and data structures used to create an AI system.
Nvidia H100 GPU
The Nvidia H100 GPU is a type of graphics processing unit (GPU) designed for use in AI applications.
Character Engine
A Character Engine is a type of AI system used to create realistic non-player characters (NPCs) for video games.

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