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The message from Ecuador is clear: people will vote to keep oil in the ground


In Ecuador, people voted overwhelmingly in favor of keeping oil in the subsoil of Yasuni National Park. This is a major victory for the environmental movement and could be replicated in other countries, as it shows the cost of stranded assets when the social mandate for fossil fuels is suddenly removed. The Ecuadorian authorities had initially opposed the proposal and predicted it would cost them $13.8 billion over 20 years. However, proponents argued that these figures were exaggerated and that leaving the oil in the ground would save money in the long term due to reduced damage to the environment. The message from Ecuador is clear: people will vote to keep oil in the ground. The global fossil fuel industry will be hoping this is an isolated case, but Ecuador provides an example of the cost of stranded assets when the social mandate for fossil fuels is suddenly removed.


What was the result of the referendum in Ecuador regarding oil drilling?
The referendum in Ecuador resulted in a vote of 5.4 million in favour of halting oil production and 3.7 million against.

What are the potential costs of leaving fossil fuels in the ground?
The potential costs of leaving fossil fuels in the ground include decommissioning oilfields, lost income, and the cost of blocking wells and clearing sites.

What are some of the environmental impacts of oil drilling?
The environmental impacts of oil drilling include deforestation, contamination of the earth and water, and disruption of wildlife.

What message does the Ecuadorian referendum send to other countries?
The message from the Ecuadorian referendum is that it is possible to say no to oil and that governments should be aware of the cost of stranded assets when the social mandate for fossil fuels is suddenly removed.

How have Indigenous communities been affected by oil drilling in Ecuador?
Indigenous communities in Ecuador have been affected by oil drilling by being divided between those who are given mining jobs and those who choose traditional ways of life and forest protection. Additionally, the presence of oil drilling has increased pressure on two uncontacted tribes, the Tagaeri and Taromenane.

AI Comments

👍 This article highlights a fantastic victory for the environment and civil society groups in Ecuador and will surely inspire climate activists in other parts of the world.

👎 Despite the positive news, the article mentions that Ecuadorian authorities initially refused to accept a petition with 750,000 signatures and the global fossil fuel industry will be hoping the referendum is an isolated case.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the recent referendum in Ecuador, where people voted to keep oil in the ground in the Yasuni National Park. It discusses the implications of this vote and whether it could be replicated in other countries.

Friend: That's really interesting. What do you think the implications of this vote could be?

Me: Well, the article talks about how the vote could be a source of hope and inspiration for climate activists in other parts of the world, as it shows that people can successfully stand up to the fossil fuel industry. It also suggests that other governments may now be more cautious about pushing for oil and gas development, as it points out the costs of stranded assets when the social mandate for fossil fuels is suddenly removed. Additionally, it could help to reduce climate damage, which will cost far more than decommissioning oilfields.

Action items

Technical terms

The layer of soil beneath the surface soil.
Stranded assets
Assets that have become obsolete or unprofitable due to changing market conditions.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Biosphere reserve
A protected area of land or water that is managed to conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable development.
Money earned from the sale of petroleum products.
Run-off vote
A second round of voting in an election when no candidate receives a majority of the votes in the first round.
Stranded assets
Assets that have become obsolete or unprofitable due to changing market conditions.
The state-owned oil company of Ecuador.
The process of dismantling and removing a facility or structure.
Climate reparations
Payments made to compensate for the damage caused by climate change.

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