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27.6.2023.- El arte decadente y degenerado


En el siglo pasado, el arte estaba sujeto a la censura por parte de dos grandes movimientos totalitarios: el que derivaba de la ortodoxia soviética y el que derivaba de la ortodoxia nazi. En ambos casos, el arte debía plegarse a la gran revolución y la libertad del artista se vio afectada. En 1932, Stalin promulgó una ley de reconstrucción de las organizaciones literarias y artísticas que puso todas estas actividades bajo el control estatal. El caso de Shostakovitch es un ejemplo de esta censura estalinista. El régimen nazi también censuró el arte con su exposición del arte degenerado. Hitler pensaba que el arte era la expresión de un pueblo y quería mantener puro su carácter racial. Hoy en día, hay una nueva forma de censura llamada "woke".


What were the two main censoring movements of art in the last century?
The two main censoring movements of art in the last century were those derived from Soviet orthodoxy and those derived from Nazi orthodoxy.

What was the role of the Soviet Union in shaping artistic expression?
The Soviet Union sought to control artistic expression by requiring it to reflect only socially relevant themes and by placing all artistic activities under state control.

How did Hitler view the role of art in society?
Hitler viewed art as the expression of a people and believed it could help to strengthen their identity.

What was Hitler's opinion of art forms such as cubism and dadaism?
Hitler had a negative opinion of art forms such as cubism and dadaism, viewing them as "artificial babblings" of people who lacked true talent.

What is the current trend in censorship, known as "woke"?
The current trend in censorship is known as "woke" and involves the use of cancel culture to silence dissenting voices.

AI Comments

👍 El artículo presenta un análisis interesante de la censura artística en el siglo pasado, destacando el caso de los dos grandes movimientos censores: el soviético y el nazi.

👎 El artículo no ofrece una perspectiva moderna sobre la censura arte, omitiendo el tema del "cancel culture" y la nueva censura woke.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about two censoring movements of art in the past century: one from Soviet orthodoxy and one from Nazi orthodoxy. Both had a totalitarian character and art lacked autonomy. Artists' freedom, interest in subjectivity, and idea of art for art's sake were seen as manifestations of small-bourgeois egoism. It also talks about Stalin's law of reconstruction of literary and artistic organizations, where writers were seen as "engineers of the human soul" in service of the revolution. Finally, it mentions the new type of censorship, "woke," which will be discussed in the next post.

Friend: That's really interesting. It's sad that art had to be censored to fit certain ideologies. It's almost like the suppression of creativity and free expression.

Me: Exactly. It's a reminder of how oppressive regimes have historically tried to control art for their own political purposes. It's a good thing that nowadays there is more freedom to express oneself artistically. However, the new type of censorship, "woke," mentioned in the article, is also concerning. It's a type of censorship based on ideological conformity rather than on artistic merit. It's concerning that this new type of censorship is becoming increasingly prevalent in our society.

Action items

Technical terms

Ortodoxia sovietica
La ortodoxia soviética se refiere a la interpretación oficial del marxismo-leninismo por parte del Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética.
Ortodoxia nazi
La ortodoxia nazi se refiere a la interpretación oficial del nacionalsocialismo por parte del Partido Nazi de Alemania.
Realismo socialista
El realismo socialista es una corriente artística que se desarrolló en la Unión Soviética durante el periodo de Stalin. Se caracteriza por la representación de temas socialmente relevantes.
Vanguardia histórica
La vanguardia histórica fue un movimiento artístico que surgió en el siglo XIX y que se caracterizó por su creencia de que el arte podía ser un instrumento crucial para la transformación social.
Arte heroico
El arte heroico es una corriente artística que se desarrolló en Alemania durante el periodo nazi. Se caracteriza por la representación de temas heroicos y patrióticos.
Censura estalinista
La censura estalinista se refiere a la censura impuesta por el gobierno de la Unión Soviética durante el periodo de Stalin.
Cultura de la cancelación
La cultura de la cancelación se refiere a la tendencia de algunas personas a boicotear a aquellos con los que no están de acuerdo, a menudo con el objetivo de silenciar a aquellos con opiniones diferentes.

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