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Building a Better Book Club: a 5-step Strategy for Efficiently Ingesting Nonfiction


This article provides a 5-step strategy for efficiently ingesting nonfiction books. It suggests enlisting the help of a GPT (ChatGPT, Bard, etc.), seeking out human-written summaries, reading the table of contents, skimming the chapter summaries and deep-reading the interesting sections. It also provides a bonus 6th step of using Obsidian to quickly jot down the ideas in a durable, linkable, external cache and using Anki to turn them into a few flashcards. The strategy is designed to help readers acquire knowledge like a pro while avoiding slogging through boring prose.


What is the 5-step strategy for efficiently ingesting nonfiction?
The 5-step strategy for efficiently ingesting nonfiction is to enlist the help of a GPT, seek out human-written summaries, read the table of contents, skim the chapter summaries, and deep-read the interesting sections.

How can readers acquire knowledge like a pro?
Readers can acquire knowledge like a pro by leveraging the power of AI, human-written summaries, and strategic reading to learn more, faster.

How can software consultants make reading business books more efficient?
Software consultants can make reading business books more efficient by using a 5-step strategy that involves enlisting the help of a GPT, seeking out human-written summaries, reading the table of contents, skimming the chapter summaries, and deep-reading the interesting sections.

What is the role of AI in the 5-step strategy?
The role of AI in the 5-step strategy is to provide a summary of the book chosen, which will give readers a decent idea of the main points of the book.

How can readers use Obsidian and Anki to retain key information from a book?
Readers can use Obsidian to quickly jot down the ideas in a durable, linkable, external cache, and Anki to turn them into a few flash cards to help retain key information from a book.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article that provides an excellent 5-step strategy for ingesting nonfiction books with efficiency. It also provides an innovative approach to learning with the use of AI and human-written summaries.

👎 This article does not provide enough detail on the steps outlined in the strategy and could have been more comprehensive.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about building a better book club and a 5-step strategy for efficiently ingesting nonfiction. It talks about leveraging the power of AI and human-written summaries to help us get more out of reading books.

Friend: That's really interesting. What kind of implications might this have?

Me: Well, this strategy could make it easier for people to learn more quickly and effectively. It could also help people save time and effort by focusing their reading on the most relevant sections of a book, instead of having to slog through the entire thing. It could also help people to retain information better by helping them create a mental framework for the ideas before reading the prose. Finally, it could help people to gain valuable insights from books that they may not have been able to access before.

Action items

Technical terms

Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a type of natural language processing model used to generate text.
A GPT-based chatbot.
A GPT-based text summarization tool.
Atomic Accelerator
A program at Atomic Object, a software consulting firm.
Progressive JPEG
A type of image compression that gradually reveals more detail as the image is downloaded.
A note-taking application.
A flashcard application.

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