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Infinite Games


This article explores the concept of finite and infinite games. Finite games are games where the goal is to win and the prize is a particular past, while infinite games are played for the purpose of continuing to play. The article then goes on to explain how this concept applies to life, with people often treating life as a series of finite games which must be won. This can lead to a focus on outcomes over everything else, devaluing the game itself and leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and emptiness. The article then encourages readers to pursue the things that they actually enjoy doing, and to let accomplishments be a byproduct of their pursuits.


What is the difference between finite and infinite games?
The difference between finite and infinite games is that a finite game is played for the purpose of winning, while an infinite game is played for the purpose of continuing the play.

How can the pursuit of finite games devalue life?
The pursuit of finite games can devalue life by making it a continuous challenge, an incessant chain of competition with no respite. It can also lead to discounting 99% of life for the sake of a few, small, fleeting moments that might provide some sense of satisfaction before the cycle begins anew.

How can success and achievement be pursued without the focus being on outcome?
Success and achievement can be pursued without the focus being on outcome by making accomplishments the byproduct of pursuits, rather than the only motivation. Enjoyment should be the focus of activities, rather than the outcome.

What is the benefit of pursuing activities simply for the sake of enjoyment?
The benefit of pursuing activities simply for the sake of enjoyment is that it can make the journey more enjoyable, rather than spending life in hot pursuit of singular accomplishments that likely won't satisfy for even one of the 4,680 weeks of life.

What is the alternative to chasing finite games to receive satisfaction?
The alternative to chasing finite games to receive satisfaction is to pursue the things that are actually enjoyed and let achievements mark milestones in life, rather than define life.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ Jack's piece was an interesting and insightful look into the finite and infinite games of life and how to make the journey more enjoyable.

πŸ‘Ž Jack's piece was overly long and could have been condensed to better make his point without wasting readers' time.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the difference between finite and infinite games, and how life can often be seen as a series of finite games we must win. It talks about how approaching life in this way can lead to a lot of stress and dissatisfaction because the outcome of these finite games is never permanent.

Friend: Interesting. So what are the implications of the article?

Me: I think the main implication of the article is that it's important to also view life as an infinite game. We should focus on playing the game for the sake of playing it, rather than just playing to win. This means enjoying the process and savoring the journey, rather than only focusing on reaching the destination. It also means being mindful of the impact our decisions have on our lives and the lives of those around us, instead of just chasing after wins and achievements.

Action items

Technical terms

Finite Game
A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.
Infinite Game
An infinite game is played for the purpose of continuing the play, rather than winning.
Prestige is a finite game. You play the prestige game for the sake of winning it. Prestige represents victory and is the sum of one's boxes. It is a measure of success and status.
FIRE Movement
The FIRE movement stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It is a movement that encourages individuals to cut expenses and invest money in order to retire early.

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