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Choosing the right path to growth


This article discusses the multiple paths to growth, and how combining two approaches can lead to more effective growth than relying too heavily on one. It looks at three broad profiles for how companies achieve organic growth - investors, creators and performers - and suggests that focusing on two of these levers simultaneously is beneficial for growth. The article also discusses the power and limitations of innovation-led growth, and the importance of sequencing growth initiatives carefully and building momentum through well-sequenced initiatives. It concludes with the advice to get the organization on board with a multifaceted approach to growth, and to stay current on topics related to growth.


How many levers are there for achieving organic growth?
There are three levers for achieving organic growth.

What are the most common growth characteristics among above-average growers?
The most common growth characteristics among above-average growers are related to smart resource allocation and strong commercial performance.

Is it possible to simultaneously execute on every front?
It is not possible to simultaneously execute on every front, particularly for large organizations.

Are creative companies more heavily represented among the fastest growers?
Yes, creative companies are more heavily represented among the fastest growers.

What is the best approach for improving a company's growth trajectory?
The best approach for improving a company's growth trajectory is to bring a disciplined approach to improving it, build momentum through well-sequenced initiatives, support them with the right capabilities, and get the organization on board with a multifaceted approach.

AI Comments

👍 This article offers a great insight into how companies can effectively drive growth through a combination of investment, performance and creativity. It also provides a well-structured approach to building growth initiatives and capabilities.

👎 This article only focuses on a limited number of growth levers and does not address the complexity of implementing simultaneous initiatives for large organizations. Additionally, it fails to provide concrete examples of how to successfully master all three levers.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how companies can achieve organic growth. It talks about how focusing on two growth levers simultaneously is more effective than just one, and the importance of sequencing initiatives carefully.

Friend: Interesting. So what are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it suggests that companies should try to focus on two growth levers at the same time in order to achieve the highest levels of growth. It also emphasizes the importance of sequencing initiatives carefully and not pushing too many initiatives at once. It also suggests that companies should not rely solely on innovation for growth, but should also focus on resource allocation and execution. Finally, it suggests that companies should use data-driven insights to better understand customer preferences and develop new, higher-margin offerings.

Action items

Technical terms

The process of introducing new ideas, products, services, or processes.
An increase in size, number, or value.
Organic Growth
Growth that is achieved through internal means, such as increasing sales or expanding into new markets.
Share-Price Performance
The change in the price of a company’s stock over a given period of time.
The process of redirecting resources from one area to another.
Business-Model Innovation
The process of changing the way a business operates in order to increase efficiency or profitability.
The state of having a thorough understanding of a subject or skill.
A tool or device used to gain an advantage or to increase the effectiveness of a process.
The ability to think of new ideas or solutions.
The act of putting money into a venture with the expectation of a financial return.
The act of carrying out a task or activity.
Transactional Pricing
The process of setting prices for goods or services based on the cost of production and the expected demand.
Voice of Customers
The opinions and feedback of customers about a product or service.
A plan or program of action.
Rigorous Initiative and Performance Management
A system of managing initiatives and performance that is thorough and detailed.

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