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Cinska norma 6b je jeste prisnejsi nez Euro 7. Zacne platit jeste letos. Co to znamena pro cesky autoland?


Evropske unie se rozhodly, že prodej nových vozů s palivovými motory skončí nejpozději v roce 2035. Elektromobily za posledních pět let udělaly obrovský krok dopředu a ve luxusnějším segmentu vozů se dosáhlo cenové parity mezi palivovými motory a elektromobily. Cina má obrovský náskok v elektromobilech a vyrobci elektromobilů nezajímají emisní normy. Nová cínská norma 6b je přísnější než Euro 7 a vstoupí v platnost v polovině roku 2023. Pro Česko je důležité si tento trend uvědomit, investovat do českých inovací a prehodnotit evropskou obchodní politiku, aby evropští výrobci měli šanci ustát čínskou konkurenci.


What is the new Euro 7 emission standard?
The new Euro 7 emission standard is a stricter standard than Euro 7 that will come into effect this year.

How is the European Union's transition to electric vehicles being affected by Chinese competition?
The European Union's transition to electric vehicles is being affected by Chinese competition as Chinese companies have a significant head start in the electric vehicle market and their cars cost a third of what they cost in Europe.

What measures should the Czech Republic take to stay competitive in the electric vehicle market?
The Czech Republic should focus on modernizing its automotive industry, investing in Czech innovations, ensuring sufficient production capacities for battery systems, and reevaluating its European trade policy to give European manufacturers a chance to compete with Chinese manufacturers.

What are the advantages of electric vehicles compared to those with combustion engines?
The advantages of electric vehicles compared to those with combustion engines include lower purchase prices, faster charging, longer range, and a wider selection of vehicles.

How can European manufacturers stay competitive with Chinese manufacturers in the electric vehicle market?
European manufacturers can stay competitive with Chinese manufacturers in the electric vehicle market by developing the most advanced technologies and creating trade policies that give domestic manufacturers an advantage over foreign competition.

AI Comments

👍 Tento článek je skvělým zdrojem informací o modernizaci českého automobilového průmyslu a jeho prechodu na elektromobilitu. Je fantastické vidět, že EU zavedla tvrdá pravidla pro prodej nových vozů s benzínovými motory.

👎 Tento článek se zdá trochu příliš technicky, což ztěžuje jeho čtení a pochopení pro laického čtenáře. Navíc je škoda, že EU zaostává za Čínou v oblasti elektromobilů.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the new Euro 7 standards and their implications for the Czech auto industry. It also talks about the competition from China when it comes to electric cars, and the need for Czech producers to invest in innovation and diversify their primary resources.

Friend: Wow, that's a lot to unpack. It seems like a lot of effort is needed from the Czech auto industry to stay competitive in the global market.

Me: Exactly. The article points out that the new Euro 7 standards aren't as strict as the Chinese 6b standards, so to remain competitive, Czech automakers will need to invest in technology and develop strategies to gain an advantage over foreign competitors. It'll also be important to re-examine European trade policies to ensure that European manufacturers still have a chance to compete with Chinese automakers.

Action items

Technical terms

Cinska norma 6b
Chinese emission standard 6b, a stricter emission standard than Euro 7.
Euro 7
European emission standard 7, a new emission standard that will come into effect in 2035.
Electric vehicles, powered by electric motors instead of combustion engines.
Range, the distance an electric vehicle can travel on a single charge.
Hydrogen, an alternative fuel source for vehicles.
Hybrids, vehicles that use both a combustion engine and an electric motor.
Electromobility, the use of electric vehicles for transportation.

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