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Sesi Yazıya Cevirme Programsız | Google Dokumanlar ve Google Klavye - YouTube


This YouTube video explains how to use Google Documents and Google Keyboard to convert speech to text without using any special programs. The video explains how to set up the Google Keyboard and use the Voice Typing feature in Google Documents to convert speech to text. It also provides tips and tricks for using the Voice Typing feature.


What is Sesi Yazıya Cevirme Programsız?
Sesi Yazıya Cevirme Programsız is a program that converts speech to text.

What is the purpose of Google Dokumanlar and Google Klavye?
The purpose of Google Dokumanlar and Google Klavye is to provide tools for users to convert speech to text.

What is the role of YouTube in the article?
YouTube is mentioned in the article as a platform to access the program.

What are the terms and policies related to the article?
The terms and policies related to the article include copyright, contact us, creators, advertise, developers, terms, privacy, policy & safety.

How can users test new features of the article?
Users can test new features of the article by accessing YouTube and using the program.

AI Comments

👍 Great video showing how to use Google Documents and Google Keyboard to easily turn speech into text. Very helpful!

👎 Not very user-friendly for those without a lot of technical knowledge, and the instructions could be more clear.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a program that converts speech to text using Google Docs and Google Keyboard.

Friend: Wow, that's really cool. What are the implications?

Me: Well, first of all, it would be great for people who struggle with typing or writing, as they can just speak and get their thoughts down in text. It could also be useful for those with disabilities that prevent them from typing. Additionally, it could be used to speed up the process of writing, as it would get rid of the need to type out every single word. Finally, it could be helpful for those who work in fields where accuracy and speed are important, such as transcription or writing for publication.

Action items

Technical terms

Sesi Yazıya Cevirme
Speech-to-text conversion, a process of converting spoken words into written text.
Google Dokumanlar
Google Docs, a free online word processing program.
Google Klavye
Google Keyboard, a virtual keyboard app for Android devices.
Press release, an official statement issued to the media.
Copyright, a legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution.
Contact us
Contact us page, a page on a website that provides contact information for the company.
Creators, people who create content for the internet.
Advertising, the act of promoting a product or service.
Developers, people who create software applications.
Terms of service, a legal agreement between a service provider and a user.
Privacy policy, a document that outlines how a company collects, stores, and uses personal data.
Policy & Safety
Policy and safety, guidelines that outline how a company will protect user data and ensure user safety.
How YouTube works
How YouTube works, a page on the YouTube website that explains how the platform works.
Test new features
Test new features, a process of testing new features before they are released to the public.
NFL Sunday Ticket
NFL Sunday Ticket, a subscription service that allows viewers to watch out-of-market NFL games.

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