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You May Have To Go To RBI To Exchange Rs 2,000 Notes After Sept. 30 — BQ Exclusive


After Sept. 30, users may need to approach the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to exchange their Rs 2,000 notes as they will no longer be accepted by banks for deposits or exchange. The notes will remain legal tender and people can still get the full value of a Rs 2,000 note if they seek to exchange it. Customers can either deposit their currency notes at their bank branch or exchange them for other denominations at any bank branch or RBI regional office, with the exchange capped at Rs 20,000 at a time. There is no limit on depositing such notes in accounts, but customers will need to submit PAN details if the amount is more than Rs 50,000. The exchange facility at the RBI, which opened on Tuesday, has not seen many takers.


What is the deadline to exchange Rs 2,000 currency notes?
The deadline to exchange Rs 2,000 currency notes is September 30.

Will banks accept Rs 2,000 currency notes for deposits or exchange after Sept. 30?
No, banks are unlikely to accept Rs 2,000 currency notes for deposits or exchange after Sept. 30.

Is there a limit to exchanging Rs 2,000 notes for other denominations?
Yes, the exchange facility is capped at Rs 20,000 at a time.

Is PAN details required if the amount exchanged is more than Rs 50,000?
Yes, customers will need to submit PAN details if the amount is more than Rs 50,000.

Was there a rush or panic at bank branches on the first day of the exchange facility opening at the RBI?
No, there was no rush or panic at bank branches on the first day of the exchange facility opening at the RBI.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a thorough overview of where and how to exchange Rs 2,000 notes after September 30. It is great that users can still get the full value of a Rs 2,000 note if they seek to exchange it.

👎 It is concerning that users may need to approach the Reserve Bank of India's regional offices to exchange their Rs 2,000 notes after September 30. There is also a limit on how much can be exchanged at a time, which may cause inconvenience for some users.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the fact that users may need to approach the Reserve Bank of India's regional offices to exchange Rs 2,000 currency notes after September 30, as the public will likely not be allowed to transact in them after that date.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, it means that people who are still holding Rs 2,000 notes after the deadline will have to go to the RBI regional offices to exchange them. In addition, banks are unlikely to accept the notes for deposits or exchange after the deadline, so customers will have to find other ways to exchange their currency. It also means that customers will need to submit their PAN details if they want to exchange more than Rs 50,000 worth of currency.

Action items

Technical terms

Reserve Bank of India, the central bank of India.
Legal Tender
A form of payment that is recognized by law and can be used to settle a debt.
Permanent Account Number, a unique 10-digit alphanumeric identifier issued by the Indian Income Tax Department.
To exchange one thing for another.

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