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Biden takes steps to protect workers from extreme heat


President Joe Biden has announced plans to protect workers from extreme heat, as temperatures across the US soar and heat advisories are issued. Heat-related incidents have led to the death of more than 400 workers since 2011 and thousands of hospitalizations annually. The US Department of Labor has been asked to issue a hazard alert for heat, increase enforcement of heat safety violations, and invest in improved national weather forecasts and safe drinking water in certain states. There is currently no federal standard on workplace heat safety, but the OSHA is working on a rule.


What is the main purpose of President Biden's plan to increase protections for workers facing extreme heat?
The main purpose of President Biden's plan to increase protections for workers facing extreme heat is to better protect workers from heat-related incidents.

How many workers have died from environmental heat exposures since 2011?
More than 400 workers have died from environmental heat exposures since 2011.

What is the US Department of Labor doing to protect workers from heat-related incidents?
The US Department of Labor is issuing a hazard alert for heat, increasing inspections in industries like construction and agriculture, and investing up to $7 million to improve national weather forecasts.

What are advocacy groups calling for to protect workers from the effects of climate change?
Advocacy groups are calling for a national standard protecting workers from climate changeā€™s effects, including smoke, heat stress and severe weather events, like wildfires.

What are the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's findings regarding extreme temperatures in the US?
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's findings show that nearly 2,400 heat records have been broken in the past month alone in the US.

AI Comments

šŸ‘ President Biden is taking proactive steps to protect workers from extreme heat, investing resources into better forecasts and providing safe drinking water. It is inspiring to see the federal government prioritize worker safety and wellbeing.

šŸ‘Ž Despite the importance of protecting workers from heat-related incidents, the federal government still lacks a standard on workplace heat safety. This raises serious safety concerns for workers in industries like construction and agriculture.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about President Joe Biden taking steps to protect workers from extreme heat. There's no federal standard on workplace heat safety in the U.S., and the article highlights the dangers of heat-related incidents. Biden's plan includes issuing a hazard alert, increasing inspections in industries like construction and agriculture, and investing in better weather forecasts and water storage.

Friend: Wow, that's really important! It's good to see the government taking action to protect workers from extreme heat. I'm sure this will be a huge help for workers in hot climates.

Me: Absolutely. And it's also a good reminder for employers to take the necessary steps to protect their workers from heat-related incidents. It's especially important in industries like construction and agriculture where workers are often exposed to the elements.

Action items

Technical terms

Hazard Alert
A warning issued by a government agency or other organization to alert people to a potential danger or risk.
The act of enforcing a law, rule, or regulation.
The act of investing money in something with the expectation of a financial return.
Climate Change
A long-term change in the Earth's climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature.
A large, destructive fire that spreads quickly through a wildland area.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a U.S. government agency responsible for monitoring and predicting the weather and climate.

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