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Seven tips to survive your first year as a nurse educator


This article provides seven tips to help seasoned bedside nurses survive their first year as a nurse educator. These tips include developing an educator community, asking for help from experienced educators, keeping a positive attitude, not reinventing the wheel, practicing self-care, creating and enforcing boundaries, and enjoying teaching. The article also provides additional resources related to nursing education, EBP, QI, diversity and inclusion, and narrative pedagogy.


What are seven tips to survive the first year as a nurse educator?
The seven tips to survive the first year as a nurse educator are: develop an educators community, ask for help from seasoned nursing educators, keep things positive, don't reinvent the wheel, practice self-care, create and enforce boundaries, and enjoy teaching.

How can nurse educators create and enforce boundaries?
Nurse educators can create and enforce boundaries by setting office hours, methods of communication, and response times, avoiding social media connections, and not giving out their personal cell number.

What is the importance of developing an educators community?
The importance of developing an educators community is to have like-minded people to rely on, observe, ask questions and advice, and learn more about the teaching career.

What are the benefits of asking for help from seasoned nursing educators?
The benefits of asking for help from seasoned nursing educators are to not sink when you can swim with a little guidance, learn or change what you don't know, and find a good mentor.

What is the importance of self-care for nurse educators?
The importance of self-care for nurse educators is to eat well, sleep, exercise, and find ways to relax and unwind. Self-care also matters as a nurse educator because they are a role model for their students and must lead by example.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a great overview of the challenges of transitioning from bedside nursing to nurse educator and provides helpful tips on how to survive and thrive in this new role.

👎 The tips provided in the article are too general and not specific enough to provide detailed advice on how to handle the challenges of being a nurse educator.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about seven tips to survive your first year as a nurse educator. It's a great read for anyone considering a career in teaching nursing.

Friend: Wow, that sounds really interesting. What implications does the article have?

Me: The article emphasizes the importance of having an educators community, asking for help from seasoned nursing educators, keeping things positive, not reinventing the wheel, self-care, creating and enforcing boundaries, and enjoying teaching. This is important for first-year nursing educators to understand so that they can be successful in their new roles. It's also important to recognize the amount of responsibility that comes with being a nurse educator, and to understand the importance of having a support system in place.

Action items

Technical terms

University Technology
Refers to the technology used by universities, such as computers, software, and other digital tools.
Learning Management System (LMS)
A software application used to plan, deliver, and manage educational courses and training programs online.
Committees and Meeting Schedules
Committees are groups of people who work together to make decisions or accomplish a task. Meeting schedules are the times and dates when the committee meets.
Course Load vs Clinical Load
Course load refers to the number of courses a student is taking, while clinical load refers to the amount of clinical experience a student is receiving.
University vs Program vs Student vs Module Learning Outcomes
University learning outcomes are the goals and objectives of the university as a whole. Program learning outcomes are the goals and objectives of a specific program. Student learning outcomes are the goals and objectives of a student in a particular program. Module learning outcomes are the goals and objectives of a specific module within a program.
Test Writing and Testing Platforms
Test writing is the process of creating tests for students to take. Testing platforms are the software applications used to administer tests.
Textbook Selection
The process of selecting textbooks for a course.
Grading Scale
The scale used to assign grades to students based on their performance.
Office Hours
The times when a professor is available to meet with students.

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