How I Organized My iPhone Apps for Maximum Productivity

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Member-only story

Who knew organizing would help with your productivity?

The Useful Tech 路 Follow

Published in Mac O鈥機lock 路 13 min read 路 Sep 2




In 2023, smartphones are no longer just devices we use to connect with people around us. They have become an extension of ourselves and reflect our priorities, interests, and daily routines.

But this intimate relationship comes with a challenge on how we can manage the digital chaos.

You know the feeling when you unlock your iPhone to check an email quickly, but fifteen minutes later, you are deep into Twitter or X threads or whatever they are calling it these days, lost in a sea of open Safari tabs or doom-scrolling through YouTube shorts, forgetting why you even picked up your iPhone in the first place?

Yes, I know that feeling, too, and it is one of the reasons I am writing this article today.

Until recently, I spent more time searching for apps than actually using them. Believe it or not, I have 100s of apps and games installed on my iPhone, and my home screen was a jumbled mess of icons, with productivity tools sandwiched between social media apps and games.

Rahul Chakraborty


My subscription to Apple Arcade or an endless stream of streaming apps did not help. The chaos was not just visual; it was mental, as every time I unlocked my iPhone, I was overwhelmed with choices, leading to constant distractions and reduced efficiency.

The last straw was when I missed an important notification buried under a pile of notifications, and I realized the clutter was not just on my screen; it was affecting my daily life.

This realization catalyzed change, and I rearranged and organized my apps to reclaim time, focus, and mental space.

If every word you read sounded relatable, you should keep reading.

The Philosophy Behind Organizing Apps

Imagine you walk into your office or workspace and find papers scattered everywhere, your notes hidden under piles of folders, and no clear space to sit and focus.

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Member-only story. Who knew organizing would help with your productivity? The Useful Tech 路 Follow. Published in Mac O鈥機lock 路 13 min read 路 Sep 2. -- 16. Share. In 2023, smartphones are no longer just devices we use to connect with people around us. They have become an extension of ourselves and reflect our priorities, interests, and daily routines. But this intimate relationship comes with a challenge on how we can manage the digital chaos. You know the feeling when you unlock your iPhone to check an email quickly, but fifteen minutes later, you are deep into Twitter or X threads or whatever they are calling it these days, lost in a sea of open Safari tabs or doom-scrolling through YouTube shorts, forgetting why you even picked up your iPhone in the first place? Yes, I know that feeling, too, and it is one of the reasons I am writing this article today. Until recently, I spent more time searching for apps than actually using them. Believe it or not, I have 100s of apps and games installed on my iPhone, and my home screen was a jumbled mess of icons, with productivity tools sandwiched between social media apps and games. Rahul Chakraborty. Unsplash. My subscription to Apple Arcade or an endless stream of streaming apps did not help. The chaos was not just visual; it was mental, as every time I unlocked my iPhone, I was overwhelmed with choices, leading to constant distractions and reduced efficiency. The last straw was when I missed an important notification buried under a pile of notifications, and I realized the clutter was not just on my screen; it was affecting my daily life. This realization catalyzed change, and I rearranged and organized my apps to reclaim time, focus, and mental space. If every word you read sounded relatable, you should keep reading. The Philosophy Behind Organizing Apps. Imagine you walk into your office or workspace and find papers scattered everywhere, your notes hidden under piles of folders, and no clear space to sit and focus.