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‘ChatGPT is the new crypto’: Meta warns hackers are exploiting interest in the AI chatbot


Hackers have been exploiting the widespread popularity of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-powered tool, in order to gain access to people's devices. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has found malicious software claiming to offer ChatGPT-based tools through browser extensions and app stores, which contain malware that can infect users' devices. Meta has blocked the sharing of more than 1,000 malicious web addresses and taken action against malware strains taking advantage of people's interest in ChatGPT. Malware operators have been using topics like ChatGPT to get people's attention and trick them into clicking on malicious links or downloading malicious software.


What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-powered tool.

How are hackers exploiting interest in ChatGPT?
Hackers are exploiting interest in ChatGPT by creating software that claims to offer ChatGPT-based tools via browser extensions and online app stores that contain malware designed to give hackers access to people’s devices.

What action has Meta taken in response to malicious activity related to ChatGPT?
Meta has blocked the sharing of more than 1,000 malicious web addresses that claimed to be linked to ChatGPT or related tools, and has taken action against malware strains taking advantage of people’s interest in OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

What is the goal of hackers exploiting ChatGPT?
The goal of hackers exploiting ChatGPT is to trick people into clicking on malicious links or downloading malicious software.

What have security researchers discovered about malware operators and popular topics?
Security researchers have discovered that malware operators try to latch onto hot-button issues and popular topics to get people’s attention.

AI Comments

👍 It is great to see Meta taking the initiative to warn people about the potential malicious use of the AI chatbot ChatGPT by hackers.

👎 It is concerning that hackers are taking advantage of people's interest in ChatGPT in order to gain access to their devices.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about hackers exploiting the interest in the AI chatbot ChatGPT. Meta, the company that owns Facebook, has warned that hackers are using malicious tools claiming to provide ChatGPT-based services and the company has blocked the sharing of more than 1,000 malicious web addresses in the past few months.

Friend: Wow, that's really concerning. It's scary to think that hackers are able to exploit new technologies like this to gain access to people's devices.

Me: Yeah, it's definitely a cause for concern. It shows that even new technologies can be vulnerable to malicious attacks. We need to be aware of this and take steps to protect our devices.

Action items

Technical terms

A digital currency that uses cryptography for security and is not controlled by any central authority.
Malicious software designed to damage or disable computers and computer systems.
Browser Extension
A software program that adds additional features to a web browser.
App Store
A digital distribution platform for mobile applications.
A research laboratory focused on artificial intelligence.
Generative AI
Artificial intelligence that can generate new content based on existing data.

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