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⚙ Ethereum’s AI Sherlock & Harvard’s AI Mentor in Action!


In this article, the author discusses the use of AI in various sectors such as blockchain analytics, education, metal mining, legal practices, and call center quality. Etherscan is using AI-powered tool called "Code Reader" to decode Ethereum contracts. Harvard is using AI to offer personalized learning experiences in its Computer Science 50 (CS50) course. KoBold Metals is using AI to revolutionize metal mining. A law firm was fined for using AI to generate false citations. EvaluAgent has raised $20M to enhance customer experience in call centers. Otter.ai has launched an AI chatbot for efficient meeting summaries.


What is Etherscan's Code Reader and how is it used?
Etherscan's Code Reader is an AI-powered tool that uses OpenAI to decipher the source code of specific contract addresses on the Ethereum blockchain. It can help users dive deep into contract code, get a comprehensive list of smart contract functions, and understand how underlying contracts interact with decentralized applications.

How is Harvard using AI in its CS50 course?
Harvard is using AI to simulate a 1:1 student-to-teacher ratio in its CS50 course, catering to each student's unique learning style. The AI is designed to nudge students towards solutions rather than handing out answers on a silver platter.

What are the implications of AI in education?
The implications of AI in education are that it could level the playing field for students from all countries and socioeconomic statuses, and effectively open doors for students from all walks of life. It could also enable personalized, accessible education to the masses.

What is Breakthrough Energy Ventures investing in and how could it revolutionize mining?
Breakthrough Energy Ventures is investing $200 million in KoBold Metals, a California-based company that is using artificial intelligence to revolutionize mining for metals crucial to electric vehicles. It can analyze vast amounts of geological data to pinpoint potential deposits, reducing exploration time and costs, and paving the way for more sustainable mining practices.

What is Otter.ai's Meeting Sidekick and how can it help with online meetings?
Otter.ai's Meeting Sidekick is an AI chatbot designed to attend online meetings and assist users in summarizing information and recalling key details. It can answer questions, generate to-do lists, and even draft emails based on meeting discussions.

AI Comments

👍 This article was incredibly informative and well-written! It provided a great overview of all the exciting AI applications coming out of the Ethereum and Harvard communities.

👎 This article was too long-winded and the information was too technical for the average reader.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how AI is being used in various sectors from deciphering Ethereum contracts to revolutionizing metal mining and even in education. It's pretty fascinating!

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It seems like AI is making a big impact in a variety of industries. What do you think are the implications of this?

Me: Well, I think it has the potential to be really beneficial for people. For example, AI can be used to personalize education and make it more accessible for everyone. It can also be used to provide more accurate and efficient solutions to problems. On the other hand, there are also some potential downsides to this technology, such as data privacy and security concerns. So, it's important that we use it responsibly and ethically.

Action items

Technical terms

A blockchain-based platform for decentralized applications.
Artificial Intelligence, a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can think and act like humans.
A research laboratory focused on developing artificial general intelligence.
Decentralized Finance, a set of financial applications built on blockchain technology.
A proprietary AI-based system developed by Harvard University to provide personalized learning for students.
A natural language processing (NLP) system developed by OpenAI.
Khan Academy
An online learning platform that provides free educational resources.
A website for developers to ask and answer questions related to coding.
Breakthrough Energy Ventures
A venture capital fund backed by Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Jack Ma.
KoBold Metals
A California-based company using AI to revolutionize mining for metals.
Octane Render
A GPU-based rendering engine for 3D computer graphics.
A type of graphics processing unit (GPU) developed by Nvidia.

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