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Kent C. Dodds


This article encourages junior developers to stop thinking of themselves as junior and start working on the same level as senior developers. The author argues that the pace of the software development industry allows anyone to become an expert in certain technologies quickly and that junior developers can make a powerful impact in their company if given the chance. He shares his own story of going from student to full-time employee in just four months and then being recruited away to a new company where he saw a major pay increase as well as more responsibility. The article provides advice on how junior developers can start being taken more seriously, such as volunteering for more complicated tasks and speaking at meetups and conferences. The author encourages junior developers to set their sights high and to not let the junior label limit their potential.


What tips does Kent C. Dodds give for how to stop being a junior developer?
Kent C. Dodds suggests thinking about how to start being something else instead of how to stop being one thing, volunteering to participate in more complicated tasks, studying things out a bit after meetings, teaching concepts in "brown bag" lunch meetings, speaking at local meetups and conferences, and making sure your manager understands your goals and intentions as a developer.

How does Kent C. Dodds compare software development experience to riding a tube down a river?
Kent C. Dodds compares software development experience to riding a tube down a river, saying that instead of everyone starting at the beginning of the river, they start where everyone else is and it doesn't take long once you jump in to keep up with everyone else on the river, regardless of how long they've been doing it.

What did Kent C. Dodds do to get out of the "eternal-junior" situation?
Kent C. Dodds decided to go to a new company where people had never seen him as "the intern" and he was given a massive pay bump and 20% of his time was devoted to architecture.

What are the potential drawbacks of having a lot of experience in software development?
The potential drawbacks of having a lot of experience in software development are that experienced engineers are more likely to be hesitant to try newer tools and technologies, they may miss important new features in languages and tools because they're just used to doing things a certain way, and they may miss out on really terrific advancements in the ecosystem and tools.

How can a junior developer demonstrate their capabilities and progress in their career?
A junior developer can demonstrate their capabilities and progress in their career by volunteering to participate in more complicated tasks, studying things out a bit after meetings, teaching concepts in "brown bag" lunch meetings, speaking at local meetups and conferences, and making sure their manager understands their goals and intentions as a developer.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great source of inspiration for junior developers, providing them with practical advice on how to break out of the "junior" role and make a positive impact in their career.

👎 This article glosses over the difficulty of gaining experience and making an impact in the industry, potentially setting up unrealistic expectations for junior developers.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how junior developers can take steps to move out of the "junior" level and start making major positive movement in their careers. It talks about how tech moves fast and how staying on top of a few chosen technologies can allow someone to become an expert in them quickly.

Friend: That's really interesting. It sounds like a great article with some good advice. What implications do you think it has?

Me: I think it's important for junior developers to take initiative and be proactive about their learning and development. It's also important for them to make sure that their managers understand their goals and intentions as a developer. If they can do that, then they can start to make progress in their career and move away from the "junior" label.

Action items

Technical terms

Junior Developer
A junior developer is an entry-level software developer who is still learning the basics of coding and software development.
Software Development
Software development is the process of creating, designing, and maintaining software applications.
Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies are new technologies that are being developed and are expected to have a major impact on the way people live and work.
Unlearning is the process of letting go of old habits and beliefs in order to make room for new ones.
Brown Bag Lunch Meetings
Brown bag lunch meetings are meetings where everyone brings a lunch and someone presents something often held weekly.
A meetup is an event where people with similar interests gather to discuss a topic or activity.
A conference is a large gathering of people who come together to discuss a particular topic or industry.

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