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Can a Machine Know That We Know What It Knows?


Cognitive scientists are exploring ways to test the mental capacities of large language models like ChatGPT and GPT-4, which are trained on vast amounts of text from the internet. Michal Kosinski, a psychologist at Stanford, has argued that these models have developed theory of mind, which is the ability to attribute mental states to other people. Other researchers have questioned this claim, conducting their own experiments and finding that while the models can pass certain tests, they are still far from passing theory of mind tests. The debate continues as to whether these models can understand natural language in any meaningful sense.


What is theory of mind and what is its purpose in human communication?
Theory of mind is the ability to attribute mental states different from our own to other people. It helps us communicate with and understand one another, enjoy literature and movies, play games and make sense of our social surroundings.

What are some of the language models that have been developed to understand human language?
Some of the language models that have been developed to understand human language include ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bing, Bard, and Ernie.

What testing methods are being used to measure the mental capacities of language models?
Cognitive scientists are using classic theory of mind tests to measure the ability of language models to attribute false beliefs to other people. These tests involve descriptions of situations like the Sally-Anne test, in which a person (Sally) forms a false belief.

What findings have been made to suggest that machines have developed theory of mind?
Michal Kosinski's research showed that GPT-3.5 passed theory of mind tests 90 percent of the time, and GPT-4 passed them 95 percent of the time. Tomer Ullman's research showed that small adjustments in the prompts could completely change the answers generated by even the most sophisticated large language models. Maarten Sap's research found that the most advanced transformers, like ChatGPT and GPT-4, passed only about 70 percent of the time.

What debate exists around the comparison of the capacities of language models to those of humans?
The debate around the comparison of the capacities of language models to those of humans is divided between researchers who believe that large language models can eventually understand natural language in some nontrivial sense, and those who believe that they cannot.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting insight into the debate surrounding the potential capabilities of large language models and whether they can truly understand natural language. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current research, as well as a fascinating look at how humans can sometimes project their own beliefs onto non-human things.

👎 This article fails to provide a definitive answer to the question posed in its title and instead focuses on the ongoing discussion and debate surrounding the capabilities of large language models. It also lacks any concrete evidence to support the claim that these machines have developed theory of mind.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about whether machines can possess theory of mind, which is a key ability of humans to understand others' mental states. Researchers have been exploring ways to test whether large language models like ChatGPT have this capacity.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this research?

Me: Well, researchers are divided on the implications of this research. Some believe that large language models could eventually understand natural language in a nontrivial sense, while others are skeptical of attributing human capacities to nonhuman entities. This research could have implications for our understanding of the human mind, and perhaps it could also lead to advances in artificial intelligence. It's an area of research that we should continue to explore.

Action items

Technical terms

Artificial Intelligence.
A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the Internet.
A large language model developed by OpenAI that can generate text and respond to images.
Theory of Mind
The ability to attribute mental states to other people and to understand that those mental states may be different from one's own.
Sally-Anne Test
A test used to measure theory of mind in which a girl, Anne, moves a marble from a basket to a box when another girl, Sally, isn’t looking.
Stochastic Parrots
A term used to describe machines that can mimic human behavior but do not understand it.
Describes the knowledge of large language models, which are sensitive to small changes in their inputs and often make “spurious correlations.”

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