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Kalemder - Kurban Bayramı Hutbesi 2017 - Ahmed KALKAN (Duygulandıran Nasihatler) - YouTube


This article is about a video from Ahmed KALKAN on YouTube in which he delivers a sermon for Kurban Bayramı, a religious holiday in Turkey. He gives advice to viewers on how to appreciate the holiday and what it means. He encourages viewers to be kind and generous, to help those in need, and to love and forgive one another. He also reminds viewers to be thankful to God for all His blessings.


What is the Kalemder Kurban Bayramı Hutbesi 2017 by Ahmed KALKAN about?
The Kalemder Kurban Bayramı Hutbesi 2017 by Ahmed KALKAN is about providing inspiring advice.

What message does Ahmed KALKAN share in this video?
Ahmed KALKAN shares a message of faith, hope, and love in this video.

What topics are discussed in the video?
The topics discussed in the video include faith, hope, love, and the importance of charity.

What is the purpose of the video?
The purpose of the video is to provide inspiring advice and to encourage viewers to practice charity.

What can viewers learn from this video?
Viewers can learn about the importance of faith, hope, love, and charity from this video.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an inspiring and uplifting message that is sure to move viewers during this important holiday.

👎 The video does not provide enough information about the speaker or the content of the message.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a sermon given by Ahmed Kalkan for Kurban Bayramı, a Turkish holiday. He provides some uplifting advice in the sermon.

Friend: That's really interesting. What implications do you think it has?

Me: Well, it shows that people are still looking to religion for guidance, even in the 21st century. It also suggests that religious beliefs still play a very important role in society, and that religious holidays are still celebrated by many people. Additionally, it speaks to the power of words to uplift and inspire people.

Action items

Technical terms

Kalemder is a Turkish word meaning "sermon" or "homily".
Kurban Bayramı Hutbesi
Kurban Bayramı Hutbesi is a sermon given during the Islamic holiday of Kurban Bayramı, which is celebrated by Muslims around the world.
Ahmed KALKAN is a Turkish Islamic scholar and preacher.
The About section of a website or video provides information about the content or purpose of the page or video.
Press is a term used to refer to the media, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television.
Copyright is a form of intellectual property law that protects the rights of creators of original works, such as books, music, and films.
Contact us
Contact us is a phrase used to invite people to contact a company or organization for more information.
A creator is a person or organization that creates content, such as videos, music, or books.
Advertise is a term used to describe the process of promoting a product or service to potential customers.
Developers are people who create software programs or applications.
Terms are the rules and regulations that govern the use of a website or service.
Privacy is the right to keep personal information private.
Policy & Safety
Policy & Safety is a set of rules and guidelines that govern the use of a website or service.
How YouTube works
How YouTube works is a phrase used to describe the process of uploading, viewing, and sharing videos on the YouTube platform.
Test new features
Test new features is a phrase used to describe the process of testing new features or updates to a website or service.

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