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Digital nomads: rising number of people choose to work remotely


The article discusses the rise in digital nomads, who are people who work remotely with the ability to work from anywhere. It explores the different types of visas available in over 50 countries and the different professions that are now digital nomads. It also discusses the lifestyle of digital nomads and the pros and cons of the lifestyle including loneliness, cost of living, work-life balance, and more. It also provides advice on how to make the most out of the lifestyle, such as finding local people to stay with, volunteering, and exploring options for sustainable travel.


What is the estimated global number of digital nomads this year?
The estimated global number of digital nomads this year is 40 million.

What advice does Chris Cerra, the founder of RemoteBase, give to digital nomads?
Chris Cerra advises digital nomads to opt for places that are time zone compatible, check for strong wifi, and look for local platforms such as Flatio and Idealista in Portugal and Spain, and Blueground in the US.

How do digital nomads manage home schooling?
Digital nomads manage home schooling by having a routine where the kids work alongside them and self-study using online programmes, and by linking what they are learning to travelling.

What should digital nomads consider before traveling abroad for work?
Digital nomads should check the terms of any double tax treaty between the UK and the other jurisdiction, tell HM Revenue and Customs that they are leaving the UK, and ensure that they have a right to work in the country.

What benefits do digital nomads experience in their lifestyle?
Digital nomads experience benefits such as making lifelong friends, having rich experiences, exploring new cultures, languages, and food, and having quality time with their kids.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a fascinating insight into the experiences of digital nomads and offers great advice on how to safely and sustainably take advantage of the lifestyle.

👎 The article fails to address the potential negative impacts of digital nomads on local communities, such as gentrification and displacement.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about digital nomads, which are people who choose to work remotely and travel to different countries or locations while still being able to do their job. There are now more than 50 countries offering digital nomad visas with the number increasing all the time. It's become a more appealing proposition with the cost of living crisis in the UK.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, it could be beneficial for both employers and employees. Employers will have access to a larger pool of talent when they are hiring, and employees can take advantage of being able to work from anywhere and still have a steady income. However, there are some potential challenges, such as having to comply with local labour laws and paying taxes in both countries. There is also the potential for digital nomads to contribute to gentrification and push out locals, so it's important to be mindful of this.

Action items

Technical terms

Digital Nomads
People who work remotely, often from different locations around the world.
Digital Nomad Visas
Visas that allow digital nomads to stay in a country for a certain period of time.
A newsletter focused on accommodation for remote workers.
A local platform for finding accommodation in Portugal and Spain.
A platform for finding accommodation in the US.
A website for finding housesitting opportunities.
A website for home swapping.
A website for finding work in exchange for free accommodation.
A type of accommodation where people live together in a shared space.
A satellite internet system.
A project management tool.
Double Tax Treaty
An agreement between two countries to avoid double taxation.
Permanent Establishment
A business entity that is considered to be a permanent presence in a country.

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