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Publication detail


Deze publicatie beschrijft een studie die een voorbeeldgebaseerde methode presenteert voor het categoriseren en beoordelen van verschillende kunstmatige intelligentietechnologieën door middel van Technologie Readiness Levels (TRL's). Het rapport bevat ook voorbeelden van AI-technologieën in een verscheidenheid aan velden en hun "readiness-vs-generality" diagrammen, die als basis dienen voor een bredere discussie over AI-technologieën. Het omvat informatie zoals publicatiedatum, institutionele auteur, thema's, onderwerpen, vermeldingen, ISBN, DOI, ISSN, en catalogusnummer.


What updates is the website undergoing this week?
The website is undergoing some updates this week.

What are the potential implications of these updates?
The updates may cause users to experience instability and limited functionality.

What is the purpose of the AI watch study?
The purpose of the AI watch study is to propose an example-based methodology to categorise and assess several AI technologies, by mapping them onto Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs).

How does the study categorise and assess AI technologies?
The study categorises and assesses AI technologies by interpreting the nine TRLs in the context of AI and identifying different categories in AI to which they can be assigned, and by introducing new bidimensional plots, called readiness-vs-generality charts.

What are the short-term and mid-term trends for AI forecasted by the study?
The study forecasts some short-term and mid-term trends for AI by using the dynamics of several AI technologies at different generality levels and moments of time.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an incredibly detailed overview of the various AI technologies, their readiness and generality levels, and offers useful forecasts for the future.

👎 This article is quite dense and complex, making it difficult for the average reader to understand.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the use of technology readiness levels for artificial intelligence technologies. It talks about how we need tools to determine which achievements will be attained in the near future and how research breakthroughs don't always translate directly to products that are ready to use in real-world environments.

Friend: Interesting...So, what are the implications of this article?

Me: The implications of this article is that it highlights the need for more research and development in order to create AI technologies that are ready for use in the real world. It also shows that there is a need to develop effective tools to accurately assess the progress and capabilities of AI. This could help companies, governments, and other organizations make informed decisions about investments and usage of AI.

Action items

Technical terms

Maintenance EN
Maintenance in English. Refers to the maintenance of the website in English.
Web Content Display (Global)
A web content display is a feature that allows users to view content on a website.
Publication Detail Actions Portlet
A portlet is a web-based application that can be used to display content on a website. The Publication Detail Actions Portlet is a portlet that allows users to access and manage publication details.
Accessibility tools are tools that help make websites and applications more accessible to people with disabilities.
Toevoegen aan "Mijn publicaties"
Adding to "My Publications" is a feature that allows users to save publications to their personal library.
Automatische kennisgeving aanmaken
Automatic notification creation is a feature that allows users to set up notifications for when new publications are released.
Permanente link
A permanent link is a link that will always point to the same page, even if the page is moved or renamed.
Metagegevens in RDF-formaat
Metadata in RDF format is a type of metadata that is written in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) language.
Embedding is the process of adding content from one website into another website.
Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)
Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) are a way of measuring the maturity and availability of a technology.
Readiness-vs-generality charts
Readiness-vs-generality charts are two-dimensional plots that show the readiness of a technology compared to its generality.

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