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ChatGPT can now remember who you are and what you want


OpenAI's ChatGPT now has a feature called "custom instructions" that allows users to provide the bot with information about themselves that it can use to tailor its responses to the user's needs. The feature is currently in beta and available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers. It is designed to make it easier for the bot to get to know the user and provide more tailored responses. OpenAI is also making sure that safety tools are in place to prevent the bot from providing dangerous or inappropriate information.


What is OpenAI's new feature called?
OpenAI's new feature is called "Custom Instructions".

How does Custom Instructions help users?
Custom Instructions helps users by allowing them to provide the chatbot with information about themselves and how they would like it to respond to their questions, so they don't have to type out the same information every time.

What are some examples of using Custom Instructions?
Examples of using Custom Instructions include providing information such as what grade a user teaches, the size of their family, or what coding language they use.

What challenges does OpenAI have to overcome in order to make Custom Instructions successful?
OpenAI has to figure out how users should create their custom instructions and how ChatGPT should interpret them, as well as make sure that custom instructions cannot override the system's safety tools.

What is the goal of Custom Instructions?
The goal of Custom Instructions is to make it easier for ChatGPT to get to know the user, so it can be a quicker and more helpful virtual assistant.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great example of how ChatGPT is innovating to make virtual assistant more helpful and personalized to the user. It's great to see OpenAI taking steps to ensure that user's information is kept secure and that the chatbot will not respond to requests with inappropriate information.

👎 While the article highlights the potential of the new custom instructions feature, it does not provide many clear examples of how the feature could be used effectively. Furthermore, the article does not address the potential drawbacks of using ChatGPT's custom instructions, such as how it could lead to an overload of information being stored in the chatbot and the potential for it to provide inaccurate responses.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about OpenAI's new feature, "custom instructions," which allows you to give the chatbot more information about yourself and how you'd like it to respond to your questions. It can remember who you are and what you want.

Friend: Interesting. That could make it easier to communicate with the chatbot and get more accurate responses.

Me: Exactly. But it's important to recognize that this could open up a lot of potential issues too. For example, if you put personal information in your custom instructions, OpenAI may not be able to remove it from their system, creating a privacy risk. There's also the potential of the chatbot getting confused and giving wrong or inappropriate responses. It's important to be aware of these potential risks.

Action items

Technical terms

AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can think and act like humans.
Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
An application (or app) is a software program designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet.
ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI.
Custom Instructions
Custom instructions are a feature of ChatGPT that allow users to provide the chatbot with information about themselves and how they would like it to respond to their questions.
Beta is a term used to describe a pre-release version of a software product that is still undergoing testing and development.
Opt-in is a term used to describe a process in which a user must actively choose to participate in a service or program.
A preamble is a statement or introduction that precedes a document or speech, setting out the purpose and scope of the document or speech.
Complexity is the degree of difficulty or intricacy of a system, process, or task.
Golang is a programming language developed by Google.

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