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Designer Diary: The Hidden Vision Behind Blind Business


This article is a Designer Diary for the game Blind Business, a game from Stonemaier Games. It was designed by Andrew Roy and Carlos Ureta and is similar to other popular games like Skull, Hanabi, Lost Cities, and 7 Wonders Duel. The article also provides information on the contributors to the game, as well as the rules and regulations for moderating the site.


Who wrote the article "Designer Diary: The Hidden Vision Behind Blind Business"?
Andrew Roy wrote the article "Designer Diary: The Hidden Vision Behind Blind Business".

What game was designed by Andrew Roy?
Andrew Roy designed the game "Blind Business".

What company published the game "Blind Business"?
Stonemaier Games published the game "Blind Business".

What other games have been designed by Andrew Roy?
Other games designed by Andrew Roy include "Red Rising", "Skull", "Hanabi", "Lost Cities", "7 Wonders Duel", and "Biblios".

Who are some of the contributors mentioned in the article?
Contributors mentioned in the article include Candice Harris, W. Eric Martin, Brad Cummings, Dustin Schwartz, Steph Hodge, Andrea Ligabue, Hilko Drude, Mary Prasad, and Neil Bunker.

AI Comments

👍 Great article on the hidden vision behind Blind Business! Andrew Roy does a great job of exploring the intricacies of the game and how it works.

👎 This article is incredibly long and drawn out. There are too many tangents and not enough focus on the actual topic of Blind Business.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the hidden vision behind the board game 'Blind Business', designed by Andrew Roy. It talks about the inspirations behind the game and the various other board games that he's designed.

Friend: Interesting! So what implications does the article have?

Me: Well, one implication is that it shows how much thought goes into the design of board games. Although it may seem simple on the surface, it takes a lot of creativity and strategy to develop a game. The article also highlights the importance of collaboration between game designers, as Andrew Roy was heavily influenced by the games of other designers. Finally, the article shows that board games are becoming increasingly popular and that there are a wide variety of game types available to choose from.

Action items

Technical terms

Designer Diary
A type of article written by a game designer that details the creative process behind a game.
BoardGameGeek News
A website dedicated to board game news and reviews.
Andrew Roy
The designer of the game Blind Business.
Blind Business
A game designed by Andrew Roy and published by Stonemaier Games.
Red Rising
A game designed by Carlos Ureta and published by Devir.
A game designed by Andrew Roy and published by Hanabi.
A game publisher.
Lost Cities
A game designed by Reiner Knizia and published by Ravensburger.
A game publisher.
7 Wonders Duel
A game designed by Antoine Bauza and published by Repos Production.
A game designed by Iain McLeod and published by Dice Hate Me Games.
No Thanks!
A game designed by Thorsten Gimmler and published by Z-Man Games.
Carlos Ureta
The designer of the game Red Rising.
Post Rolls
A feature on BoardGameGeek News that allows users to post dice rolls.
Community Rules
The rules of conduct for the BoardGameGeek News website.

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