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Why Chatbots are bound to spout bullshit


In this article, the author discusses the increasing prevalence of chatbot technology and how this technology has the potential to generate "bullshit" on a large scale. They explain how chatbots are capable of generating plausible yet false answers to questions, and how this technology can be used to create fake news and other falsehoods. The article also warns of the potential dangers of allowing chatbots to choose the rules of engagement, as this could lead to an even greater spread of falsehoods.


What is Harry Frankfurt's insight in his essay “On Bullshit”?
Harry Frankfurt's insight in his essay “On Bullshit” is that bullshit lies outside the realm of truth and lies. A liar cares about the truth and wishes to obscure it, while a bullshitter is indifferent to whether his statements are true.

What happened when economist David Smerdon asked the leading chatbot ChatGPT a question?
When economist David Smerdon asked the leading chatbot ChatGPT what the most cited economics paper of all time was, ChatGPT said it was “A Theory of Economic History” by Douglass North and Robert Thomas, published in the Journal of Economic History in 1969 and cited more than 30,000 times since.

What is the problem with ChatGPT and other chatbots?
The problem with ChatGPT and other chatbots is that they don't have a model of the world and instead have a model of the kinds of things that people tend to write. This leads to them generating plausible but untrue statements.

How does Gary Marcus think the problem of pseudo-facts can be solved?
Gary Marcus thinks the problem of pseudo-facts can be solved by a fundamental rethink of the way these artificial intelligence systems are built.

What was Donald Trump's response when he was challenged about retweeting a false claim?
Donald Trump's response when he was challenged about retweeting a false claim was, “Hey, Bill, Bill, am I gonna check every statistic?”

AI Comments

👍 This article presents a unique and thought-provoking analysis of the implications of the development of chatbots and their potential for generating "bullshit". The author's warnings about the need for caution and regulation in this area are particularly insightful.

👎 This article is overly alarmist and sensational in its description of the impact of chatbots on society. The author fails to adequately consider the potential benefits of such technology.

AI Discussion

Me: It discusses the implications of chatbots developing the ability to generate bullshit on an unprecedented scale. It's written as if it were taking place in the year 2023.

Friend: That sounds really interesting. What implications does it discuss?

Me: It talks about how chatbots can now generate believable but false information. This can lead to an increase in "fake news" and the spread of misinformation. It also highlights the difficulty of defending ourselves against all this noise, as it's not always easy to differentiate between truth and fiction. Finally, it suggests that if the cost of producing bullshit is low enough, it will be available in huge quantities.

Action items

Technical terms

computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the Internet.
language or behavior that is insincere, misleading, or unconcerned with truth.
a quarterly journal of literature, history, and culture published by Rutgers University.
a chatbot developed by OpenAI, a research laboratory based in San Francisco.
Turing Test
a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.
an early natural language processing computer program created from 1964 to 1966 at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory by Joseph Weizenbaum.
a computer program developed by the University of Melbourne in 1989.
an online bookstore that supports independent bookstores.
an American multinational technology company based in Seattle that focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence.
a UK-based lecture agency.
Leigh Bureau Ltd.
a lecture agency based in the US.
Felicity Bryan Agency
a literary agency based in the UK.
Knight Ayton Management
a TV and radio agency based in the UK.
W Studio
a creative studio based in the UK.

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