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Vicious Traps


This article discusses how two seemingly innocent traits can combine to form something dangerous. It uses the example of mixing cool and warm air to form a tornado, and how mixing confidence and optimism can form greed and delusion. It also talks about how patience and confidence can form stubbornness, and how curiosity and boldness can form impulsiveness. It also talks about how humility and ambition can create disguised arrogance. The article explains how these dangerous traits can be hard to identify and fix, and how acknowledging them is difficult in today's social media age.


What are some examples of two seemingly harmless elements combining to form something dangerous?
Examples of two seemingly harmless elements combining to form something dangerous include a little cool air from the north and a little warm breeze from the south combining to form a tornado, two calm water currents combining to form a deadly whirlpool, and bleach and ammonia combining to form lethal chloramine gas.

What are the two common traits that often form stubbornness?
The two common traits that often form stubbornness are confidence and patience.

What can happen when curiosity and boldness are combined?
When curiosity and boldness are combined, they can easily create impulsiveness.

What is the first rule of very successful people?
The first rule of very successful people is that those who think in unique ways you admire are likely to also think in unique ways you don’t admire.

How can humility and ambition combine to create successfully disguised arrogance?
Humility and ambition can combine to create successfully disguised arrogance when a person is humble ("I am fortunate, and could not have achieved this without other peoples' help") but ambitious ("I am talented, and can achieve more than I already have"), the mental conflict often settles with hidden arrogance ("I am special, but I can't say that out loud").

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article does a great job of providing insightful commentary on how seemingly innocent traits can combine to form dangerous traps.

πŸ‘Ž This article is too long and could have been made more concise.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how two seemingly harmless traits can combine to create something dangerous. It talks about how confidence and optimism can turn to greed and delusion, how patience and confidence can turn to stubbornness, how curiosity and boldness can turn to impulsiveness, and how humility and ambition can turn to disguised arrogance.

Friend: Wow. That's an interesting concept. It makes a lot of sense, too. It seems like it could be quite dangerous if we don't recognize and manage these traits.

Me: Absolutely. It's easy to overlook the potential dangers of these combinations, especially since they all have positive traits to begin with. It's important to be aware of the implications of mixing these traits, and to be mindful of the behaviors they can create. We need to be aware that our actions have consequences, and that we have to be careful when mixing traits.

Action items

Technical terms

A rapidly rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the Earth and a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, the base of a cumulus cloud.
A body of swirling water produced by the meeting of opposing currents.
Chloramine gas
A toxic gas formed when bleach and ammonia are mixed together.
Consistency principle
The idea that people tend to act in a consistent manner with their past behavior.
Refusing to change one's opinion or course of action despite attempts to persuade.
Acting without thinking or considering the consequences.
Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
An attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions.
False modesty
A behavior in which someone claims to be less important, successful, or talented than they actually are.

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