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Importance of critical reading


This article discusses the importance of critical reading skills in the modern world. It explains that people who lack these skills often take texts at face value, without analyzing it further. It outlines four levels of understanding text in critical thinking and three goals of critical reading. It also discusses the importance of critical reading skills in learning institutions and in the business world, as well as how it is linked to critical thinking. Finally, the article recommends that all stakeholders in the education sector should focus on developing critical reading and thinking skills.


What are the goals of critical reading?
The goals of critical reading are to recognize the purpose that the text served in conveying the message of the author, to understand the persuasive elements and tone of the text, and to recognize bias.

What are the four levels of understanding text in critical thinking?
The four levels of understanding text in critical thinking are understanding of single words, understanding of single sentences, understanding of the text compositions, genres and rhetoric, and analysis of the whole text in totality.

How are critical reading skills useful in the business world?
Critical reading skills are useful in the business world in signing contracts, analyzing financial statements and other documents, and discerning dishonesty.

How can critical reading skills help university students?
Critical reading skills are useful to university students since they help improve the literacy levels and empower students to acquire information that is beneficial to their future careers.

What is the role of critical thinking in relation to critical reading?
Critical thinking is closely linked to critical reading, and involves analysis, discernment and evaluation of intangible or tangible items, so that one might come up with solid judgments which reconcile common sense and scientific evidence.

AI Comments

👍 This article does an excellent job of explaining the importance of critical reading skills and how they relate to critical thinking.

👎 The article fails to provide any real-world examples of how critical reading skills can be applied in the business world.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the importance of critical reading skills. It talks about how graduates from schools often lack these skills, how they are related to critical thinking skills, and why they are important in both learning institutions and the business world.

Friend: That's really interesting. So, what are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article implies that it is important for people to learn and develop critical reading skills, as they are necessary for both learning institutions and the business world. It also implies that the educational curriculum should be reevaluated to focus on developing critical thinking and reading skills, and that parents, lecturers, the government, and students should collaborate to ensure that these skills are acquired by all.

Action items

Technical terms

Critical Reading
A skill that involves being skeptical about every text that is read, with a view of analyzing the content, so that one can know whether the author was objective when writing the text.
Passive Reading
Reading texts and taking what they read at face value, without analyzing it further.
Critical Thinking
Analysis, discernment and evaluation of intangible or tangible items, so that one might come up with solid judgments which reconcile common sense and scientific evidence.
Recognizing patterns of language and content choice to identify any bias in a text.
Persuasive Elements
Classifying the choice of language that is used by the author to understand the persuasive elements and tone of the text.
Memorizing facts so that they might use them to pass their exams, without knowing how and why the facts were generated.
Critical Reading Skills
The ability to analyze a text critically in order understand the relevance and values of assumptions made, as well as soundness of arguments.

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