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What The Rise Of Programmatic Advertising Teaches Us About AI In Dentistry


This article examines the rise of programmatic advertising and its relation to AI in dentistry. The author discusses the fear and confusion that arose when programmatic advertising disrupted the advertising industry, and that same fear and confusion is being seen as AI is being introduced to the dental industry. The article discusses how AI is only replacing the parts of jobs that humans are bad at or don't like doing, such as dull and data-driven work, and how it frees up more time and energy for dentists to focus on the more human parts of the job. As AI becomes more commonplace, the author argues that it will be as commonplace as X-rays are today, and will improve the overall dental healthcare experience.


What is programmatic advertising and how has it changed the way media buyers do their jobs?
Programmatic advertising is the automated buying and selling of digital advertising space. It has enabled media buyers to execute the dullest parts of their job, such as insertion orders, analysis and reporting, with machines, allowing senior executives to focus on more interesting strategy work and client relationships.

How is AI being used in dentistry and how is it different from programmatic advertising?
AI is being used in dentistry to help practitioners accurately read diagnostic imaging and provide evidence for treatment plans. This gives dentists more time and energy to focus on what they’re great at—conceiving and providing individually tailored treatments with a human touch to human individuals.

What are the perceived fears associated with the introduction of AI to new industries?
The perceived fears associated with the introduction of AI to new industries are that it will automate jobs and replace humans.

How is AI being used to improve the dental healthcare experience?
AI is being used to improve the dental healthcare experience by eliminating the dull, tiring, repetitive work, data analysis and reporting, and providing accurate diagnostic imaging and evidence for treatment plans.

What is the goal of mainstream adoption of AI in dentistry?
The goal of mainstream adoption of AI in dentistry is to create an elevated dental healthcare experience that is hard to imagine living without.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting perspective on the impact of AI in dentistry, and how it has become more commonplace over the years.

👎 This article does not provide enough evidence to support its claims about the impact of AI in dentistry.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the rise of programmatic advertising and how it has implications for AI in dentistry. It talks about how AI can help eliminate repetitive, dull tasks and help dentists focus on providing more personalized treatments.

Friend: Interesting. It sounds like AI could have a really positive impact on dentistry.

Me: Yeah, definitely. It could help streamline processes and improve overall efficiency. It could also help to increase trust between dentists and their patients and make the entire experience more personalized. But, it could also lead to job losses, so it's important to be aware of that potential implication.

Action items

Technical terms

Programmatic Advertising
A type of automated digital advertising that uses software to purchase digital advertising space in real-time.
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
A type of computer technology that is designed to simulate human intelligence and behavior.
eMBB (Enhanced Mobile Broadband)
A type of mobile broadband technology that provides higher data rates and improved coverage.
Data Governance
The process of managing and controlling data within an organization.
Digital Transformation
The process of using digital technologies to create new or modify existing business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements.
Project Management
The process of planning, organizing, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives.
Data Engineers
Professionals who design, build, maintain, and troubleshoot data systems.
A term used to describe decisions or processes that are based on data or analytics.

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