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No death and an enhanced life: Is the future transhuman?


The article discusses the implications of the transhumanist movement, which seeks to use technology to enhance human bodies and minds. It examines the possible benefits of such technology, such as increased strength, intelligence, and lifespan, but also the ethical implications that come with it. It looks at how this technology could be used to help the elderly, injured, or sick, but also could be misused by the healthy or young to boost their lifestyle or performance. It also looks at the issue of who would be able to access and afford these technologies and the implications of creating a society where some people are enhanced while others are left behind. Finally, it looks at the potential implications of merging humans with machines and the questions this raises about the future of our species.


What are the goals of the transhumanist movement?
The goals of the transhumanist movement are to eradicate ageing as a cause of death, use technology to augment our bodies and minds, and merge with machines to remake ourselves in the image of our own higher ideals.

What ethical implications does the transhumanist movement pose?
The transhumanist movement poses a host of ethical problems and dilemmas, such as creating technologies that will only create deeper gulfs in an already divided society, and the implications of replacing healthy limbs with artificial blades.

What potential benefits are there to technologically enhancing our bodies?
Potential benefits of technologically enhancing our bodies include increased intelligence, strength, and lifespans, as well as improved performance and senses.

How will the technology for transhumanism be made available to everyone?
Transhumanists believe that the costs of enhancement will inevitably plummet, similar to the example of the mobile phone, and will become a feature of technologies for augmenting men and women.

What are some of the ethical considerations for replacing healthy limbs with artificial blades?
Ethical considerations for replacing healthy limbs with artificial blades include the transient gain of the operation, the burden it places on future generations, and the potential for creating a society where only some people can afford to become enhanced.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an incredibly comprehensive overview of the transhumanist movement and its implications for the future of humanity.

👎 This article paints a too optimistic picture of the potential of transhumanism and does not consider the ethical implications of the technology.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the transhumanist movement, which is the idea of using technology to enhance our bodies and minds to become more than human. It talks about how it could be used to give us greater strength, intelligence, and longer lifespans, as well as the ethical dilemmas that come with this kind of technology.

Friend: Wow, that sounds pretty amazing, but also kind of scary. What kind of ethical dilemmas are we talking about?

Me: Well, it raises a lot of questions about access and fairness. For example, if these technologies become available, will they be accessible to everyone, or just those who can afford it? It also raises questions about responsibility: if someone with an artificial limb commits a crime, who is to blame? And it also brings up questions about identity: if we use technology to enhance ourselves, are we still human?

Action items

Technical terms

A movement that seeks to use technology to enhance human capabilities and extend life.
The science of freezing and preserving living organisms at very low temperatures.
Erythropoietin (EPO)
A hormone produced by the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells.
Powered clothing
Clothing that is designed to mimic the biomechanics of the human body and provide strength and support.
Carbon-fibre blades
Artificial limbs made of carbon-fibre, which are lighter and stronger than natural limbs.
The manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale.
Genetic engineering
The manipulation of an organism's genetic material to alter its characteristics.
Artificial intelligence, the development of computer systems that can think and act like humans.

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