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31 Lessons I’ve Learned About Money


In this article, Ryan Holiday reflects on the lessons he has learned about money throughout his life and career. He talks about the importance of learning about money, becoming wise with money, and not getting too consumed in trying to make money. He shares his experiences with money, from his parents' money lessons to his own investments and business decisions. He also offers some advice on how to manage money, such as being frugal, taking risks, automating investments, and avoiding comparisons. He concludes by emphasizing that success should not make you a worse person.


What did Ryan Holiday learn about money in school?
Ryan Holiday did not learn about money in school.

What is the 'Wealthy Stoic' course?
The Wealthy Stoic is a 9-week course packed with the best wisdom from the Stoics, as well as today’s leading money experts, on how to be rich, free, and happy.

How does Ryan Holiday manage his money?
Ryan Holiday invests in real estate and has money saved in checking accounts.

What advice did Tim Ferriss give Ryan Holiday?
Tim Ferriss asked Ryan Holiday what he did with his money and why he was doing so many things he disliked to earn more of it.

What did Robert Greene teach Ryan Holiday?
Robert Greene taught Ryan Holiday that the real return was his access to him, that he would answer his questions, and that he could see how a real pro did the job.

AI Comments

👍 This is an inspiring article about the importance of learning about money and how it can help us be free and happy. Ryan Holiday offers great advice and real-life examples of how a responsible relationship with money can lead to success.

👎 This article is long-winded and fails to offer any concrete advice about managing money. It is also filled with too many personal anecdotes that detract from the overall message.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about money and the lessons that the author has learned about it. He talks about things like taking financial risks, living within your means, being generous, and being responsible with money.

Friend: That's really interesting. What implications does the article have?

Me: Well, I think one implication is that it's important to be intelligent with money and to make sure that you are educated on the topic. It's also important to be responsible and generous with money. Additionally, it's important to be mindful of the risks that you take when it comes to investing and to ensure that you have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. Finally, it's important to remember that money is only one part of success and to not let it define you.

Action items

Technical terms

A musical instrument consisting of a wooden tube with finger holes and a mouthpiece, held horizontally and played by blowing into the mouthpiece.
Square dancing
A type of folk dance in which four couples form a square and perform a variety of steps and figures.
A style of handwriting in which the letters are joined together.
Return on Investment, a measure of the profitability of an investment.
A type of retirement savings plan sponsored by an employer.
Trust fund
A fund established by a person or organization to provide financial support to a designated beneficiary.
A person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance.
Careful and economical with money or resources.
Return on Investment, a measure of the profitability of an investment.

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