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Meta and Qualcomm team up to run big A.I. models on phones


Qualcomm and Meta have partnered to enable Meta's new large language model, Llama 2, to run on Qualcomm chips in phones and PCs starting in 2024. This technology will enable applications such as intelligent virtual assistants, and could potentially reduce the cost of running AI models due to not needing large server farms. Qualcomm's chips include a TPU which is well-suited for the calculations AI models require, and Meta has published the weights of Llama 2, which allows researchers and enterprises to use the AI models without asking permission or paying.


What technology will enable applications like intelligent virtual assistants?
Qualcomm and Meta's technology will enable applications like intelligent virtual assistants.

How has the AI boom impacted Qualcomm’s stock?
Qualcomm's stock is up about 10% so far in 2023, trailing the NASDAQ's gain of 36%.

What are the benefits of running A.I. models on phones instead of in large data centers?
The benefits of running A.I. models on phones instead of in large data centers include pushing down the significant cost of running A.I. models and leading to better and faster voice assistants and other apps.

What will Qualcomm make available on its devices?
Qualcomm will make Meta's open-source Llama 2 models available on Qualcomm devices.

What is notable about Meta's Llama AI model?
Meta's Llama is notable because Meta published its "weights," a set of numbers that helps govern how a particular AI model works, allowing researchers and eventually commercial enterprises to use the AI models on their own computers without asking permission or paying.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great overview of how Qualcomm and Meta are teaming up to run big A.I. models on phones. It explains how this technology can enable applications like intelligent virtual assistants and how it could push down the significant cost of running A.I. models.

👎 This article does not provide a detailed explanation of how Qualcomm and Meta are working together to run A.I. models on phones. It also fails to explore how difficult it might be to implement this technology in the future.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Meta and Qualcomm teaming up to run big A.I. models on phones. Basically, they are working together to enable the social network company's new large language model, Llama 2, to run on Qualcomm chips on phones and PCs.

Friend: That's really interesting. What implications would this have?

Me: If large language models can run on phones instead of in large data centers, it could push down the cost of running A.I. models, leading to faster and better voice assistants and other apps. Additionally, it would enable researchers and commercial enterprises to use the AI models on their own computers without asking permission or paying. So, it could lead to a lot of innovation in the field of AI.

Action items

Technical terms

Meta is a company that develops artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
Qualcomm is a semiconductor and telecommunications equipment company that designs and markets wireless telecommunications products and services.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can think and act like humans.
Tensor Processor Unit (TPU) is a specialized processor designed to accelerate machine learning workloads.
Large Language Model (LLM) is a type of artificial intelligence model that is used to process natural language.
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly process graphical and mathematical operations.
OpenAI is a research laboratory focused on artificial intelligence.
Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4) is an open-source language model developed by OpenAI.
BARD (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is a language model developed by Google.
Stable Diffusion
Stable Diffusion is an open-source image generator.

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