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Hong Kong turns to Japan for advice after ‘mind-boggling’ Web3 influx


Hong Kong is looking to Japan for guidance to become a friendly environment for cryptocurrency following an overwhelming response to Web3 investment. In October, Hong Kong initiated its efforts to become a leading global center for cryptocurrency by introducing policies aimed at fostering a crypto-friendly regulatory framework. To better understand the idea around Web3 digital assets, fintech official King Leung visited Japan to talk with policymakers and regulators in Tokyo. Findings from his visit will be reported back to policymakers and regulators in Hong Kong. King mentioned that despite the natural inability to satisfy the needs of the market completely, the government is working as quickly as it can to prioritize projects that have the biggest impact first.


What is Hong Kong doing to become a cryptocurrency friendly environment?
Hong Kong is looking to Japan for guidance to become a friendly environment for cryptocurrency following an overwhelming response to Web3 investment.

What did Hong Kong's fintech official King Leung discuss with policymakers and regulators in Tokyo?
King Leung discussed the rationale behind Japan designing regulations concerning digital assets.

What are the policies Hong Kong has initiated to foster a crypto-friendly regulatory framework?
Hong Kong has initiated policies aimed at fostering a crypto-friendly regulatory framework for the industry within its borders.

What did King Leung report back to policymakers and regulators in Hong Kong?
King Leung reported back findings from his visit to policymakers and regulators in Hong Kong to be included in the considerations for designing the city’s regulations concerning digital assets.

What was King Leung's response to the strategic importance of Web3 and crypto in the context of the economic development of Hong Kong?
King Leung mentioned talking to industry players to get a holistic view and monetizing digital assets, including other assets such as tokenized bonds and tokenized revenue streams from internet protocols (IP), to create revenue streams.

AI Comments

👍 It's great to see that Hong Kong is taking an active role in the development of cryptocurrency infrastructure and regulations. The commitment of the government to foster a crypto-friendly environment is commendable.

👎 The overwhelming response to Web3 investment is concerning, as it could lead to some dangerous consequences if the regulations are not properly implemented.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Hong Kong turning to Japan for advice after an influx of Web3 investment. It's looking to Japan to help develop a crypto-friendly regulatory framework. It seems like the government is getting overwhelmed by the response and is trying to prioritize the most impactful projects.

Friend: Wow, that's interesting. It seems like a great opportunity for Hong Kong to be a leader in the crypto space. It will be interesting to see how this develops. Do you think this could lead to more widespread adoption of Web3 technologies?

Me: Absolutely! It seems like the demand is already there, and with the right regulatory framework, it could be a great success. It could also lead to more investments and innovations in the Web3 space, and that could have a big impact on the global economy. We'll have to wait and see what happens!

Action items

Technical terms

Web3 is a term used to describe the next generation of the internet, which is based on decentralized technologies such as blockchain and distributed ledger technology. It is designed to be more secure, transparent, and efficient than the current internet.
Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. It is not issued by any central authority, rendering it theoretically immune to government interference or manipulation.
Fintech is a portmanteau of “financial technology” and refers to the use of technology to improve financial services. It includes a wide range of products and services, such as mobile banking, online payments, and cryptocurrency.
Tokenized refers to the process of representing a real-world asset, such as a bond or a revenue stream, as a digital token on a blockchain. This allows for the asset to be traded and exchanged more easily and securely.
NFT stands for “non-fungible token” and is a type of digital asset that is unique and cannot be exchanged for another asset of the same type. It is typically used to represent digital art, collectibles, or other digital assets.
DeFi stands for “decentralized finance” and refers to the use of blockchain technology to create financial products and services that are open, transparent, and accessible to anyone.

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