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Global Tax Governance or National Tax Discrimination: The Case of the EU vs. Apple


This paper examines the conflict between the traditional notion of state sovereignty and tax sovereignty in the context of the European Commission's recent actions against US multinational corporations. It looks at the implications of globalization on national boundaries and the structure of global tax governance systems, and considers the political economy and public economics of taxation, subsidies, and revenue. It highlights the importance of considering the implications of global tax governance on national tax discrimination when making policy decisions.


What questions does the EC's recent actions regarding US multinational corporations raise?
The EC's recent actions regarding US multinational corporations raise important questions about the structure of global tax governance systems intended to protect markets where globalization implies the erosion of national boundaries.

How does globalization disrupt the coherence of the state?
Globalization disrupts the coherence of the state by creating a conflict between the traditional notion of state sovereignty and tax sovereignty.

How has interdependence between nations affected global tax governance systems?
Interdependence between nations has increased the complexity of global tax governance systems.

What is the traditional notion of state sovereignty and tax sovereignty?
The traditional notion of state sovereignty and tax sovereignty is that states have the right to set their own tax laws and regulations.

What are the implications of the EU vs. Apple case for global tax governance?
The EU vs. Apple case has implications for global tax governance in terms of the need for more effective coordination between countries in order to ensure fair taxation of multinational corporations.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive overview of the EC's recent actions regarding US multinational corporations and examines the structure of global tax governance systems intended to protect markets where globalization implies the erosion of national boundaries.

👎 This article does not provide any concrete solutions to the current conflict between the traditional notion of state sovereignty and tax sovereignty.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the implications of the EU's recent actions regarding US multinational corporations, and how it relates to global tax governance and state sovereignty. The article raises important questions about the structure of global tax governance systems and how they protect markets in a globalized world.

Friend: That's really interesting. What kind of implications does it have?

Me: Well, the article discusses the conflict between the traditional notion of state sovereignty and tax sovereignty, which can disrupt coherence of the state. It also highlights the increasing interdependence between nations in terms of tax transactions, which could lead to an erosion of national boundaries. Ultimately, this could have a huge impact on the way taxes are collected and distributed.

Action items

Technical terms

Global Tax Governance
A system of international rules and regulations that govern the taxation of individuals and businesses across borders.
National Tax Discrimination
The practice of different countries imposing different tax rates on the same type of income or activity.
The European Union, a political and economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe.
A multinational technology company that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services.
State Sovereignty
The concept that a state has the right to govern itself and make its own laws without interference from other states.
Multinational Corporations
Companies that operate in multiple countries and have operations in more than one country.

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