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This article discusses how to hypothesize from non-verbal information and visualize the hierarchical structure of the “syncle”. It also looks at the current awareness of people living in the time of the coronavirus pandemic.


What is the purpose of this article?
The purpose of this article is to visualize the hierarchy of synchronicity from non-verbal information.

What is the focus of this article?
The focus of this article is on how to form hypotheses from non-verbal information.

How can non-verbal information be used to form hypotheses?
Non-verbal information can be used to form hypotheses by analyzing patterns and trends.

What is the significance of visualizing the hierarchy of synchronicity?
Visualizing the hierarchy of synchronicity can help to identify relationships between different elements and to better understand the underlying structure of a system.

How has the current COVID-19 pandemic affected people's awareness?
The current COVID-19 pandemic has caused people to become more aware of their own health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others.

AI Comments

👍 この記事は、非言語情報から仮説を導出する方法を詳しく解説しているため、とても有用な記事です。コロナ禍における生活者の意識を可視化するのに役立つでしょう。

👎 この記事は、とても複雑な内容を紹介しているため、初心者にはとても理解しづらいでしょう。内容が少しシンプルになっていれば、より多くの人が理解できるようになったはずです。

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about how people are forming hypotheses from non-verbal information and visualizing the complexity of synchronicity in the context of daily life during the coronavirus pandemic.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it suggests that people are trying to make sense of the current situation by looking for patterns and making connections between different kinds of data. It also implies that people are becoming more aware of how their behavior and actions can impact the lives of others. This could lead to a greater sense of responsibility and accountability for our actions.

Action items

Technical terms

非言語情報 (Non-verbal Information)
Information that is not expressed through language, such as body language, facial expressions, gestures, and other non-verbal cues.
仮説 (Hypothesis)
A proposed explanation for a phenomenon. A hypothesis is tested through experimentation and observation in order to determine its validity.
シンクル (Synchrony)
The coordination of two or more people's actions, movements, or behaviors.
重層 (Hierarchy)
A system of ranking or organizing people or things according to their relative importance or power.
可視化 (Visualization)
The process of representing data or information in a visual format, such as a graph, chart, or diagram.

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