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We could hear from aliens by 2029, new study claims


A new study claims that humans could receive signals from aliens by 2029. Scientists have been debating the possibility of extraterrestrial contact and the possibility of alien life. There are numerous theories and claims about aliens, but many of them are disputed due to lack of evidence. The article also mentions the failed attempt of a Japanese firm to land on the moon and other news stories related to aliens.


Could our own signals have already reached an alien planet?
Yes, our own signals could have already reached an alien planet.

What is the Schmidt Index?
The Schmidt Index is a measure of which insect has the most painful sting.

How has the first attempt to land on the Moon ended?
The first attempt to land on the Moon has ended in failure.

What did William Shatner say about recent UFO revelations?
William Shatner called recent UFO revelations 'ridiculous'.

What has SETI's Seth Shostak condemned?
SETI's Seth Shostak has condemned the 'alien bodies' claim over lack of evidence.

AI Comments

👍 It's really exciting to hear about potentially world-changing discoveries like this one!

👎 All of the claims made about aliens and UFOs seem a bit far-fetched and hard to believe.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a new study that claims we could hear from aliens by 2029. It's based on the idea that our signals have already reached an alien planet.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting! It's exciting to think that we could make contact with an alien species in the next 8 years.

Me: Yeah, it's definitely an intriguing thought. But it also raises some interesting questions. What would be the implications of making contact with an alien species? Would it be beneficial or detrimental for humanity? How would governments and societies react? Would there be a risk of war or other conflicts? It's worth considering these questions before we make contact.

Action items

Technical terms

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - a scientific effort to detect intelligent life beyond Earth.
Unidentified Flying Object - an object in the sky that cannot be identified.
Avi Loeb
Avi Loeb is an Israeli-American astrophysicist and the current chair of the astronomy department at Harvard University.
Schmidt Index
The Schmidt Sting Pain Index is a pain scale rating the relative pain caused by different hymenopteran stings.
Patreon is a membership platform that provides business tools for creators to run a subscription content service.
Inerrancy is the belief that the Bible is without error or fault in all its teaching.

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