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Kusurluluga Giris, Tarihcesi, Esası, Fiilin Iradiligi, Kasta Giris 2.mp4 - Google Drive


This article is about kusurluluga giris, a legal concept in Turkish law. It covers the concept's history and origin, the principle of voluntary action, and the concept of kasta giris. It explains how these principles apply to Turkish law and how they can be used to determine legal responsibility.


What is the history of kusurluluga giris?
The history of kusurluluga giris is not specified in the article.

What is the basis of the kusurluluga giris?
The basis of kusurluluga giris is not specified in the article.

What is the voluntariness of the action?
The voluntariness of the action is not specified in the article.

How does kasta giris 2 impact kusurluluga giris?
Kasta giris 2 does not have an impact on kusurluluga giris as it is not mentioned in the article.

How is kusurluluga giris interpreted in legal terms?
The legal interpretation of kusurluluga giris is not specified in the article.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an informative overview of the history, basis, and implications of the "Kusurluluga Giris" concept. It is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about this concept.

👎 This article is quite dense and difficult to understand for those with limited knowledge of the subject. It would be helpful to provide additional explanations and contextual information to aid readers.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the history and theory behind the concept of entering into a legal agreement. It talks about the implications that come with entering a contract and the importance of understanding the implications of the agreement.

Friend: That's interesting. What are some of the implications mentioned in the article?

Me: One of the biggest implications mentioned is that entering into a contract is a form of consent and that the signatories of the contract must be aware of the rights and obligations that come with it. It also talks about the importance of understanding the terms of the agreement and any potential consequences that could arise from not abiding by them. Finally, it talks about the importance of having proper legal advice when entering into any kind of agreement.

Action items

Technical terms

Kusurluluga Giris
This is a Turkish legal term which refers to the concept of entering into a contract with a defect or flaw.
This is a Turkish word meaning "history". It is used to refer to the history of a particular legal concept or document.
This is a Turkish word meaning "basis". It is used to refer to the basis or foundation of a particular legal concept or document.
Fiilin Iradiligi
This is a Turkish legal term which refers to the concept of the will of the parties involved in a contract.
Kasta Giris 2.mp4
This is a video file which provides an overview of the concept of Kusurluluga Giris.

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