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Acts Of Kindness Have Become A Workplace Standard, According To Groundbreaking Research


A recent study of 1,365 employees from six well-established companies showed a direct link between kindness and overall employee happiness and job satisfaction. The survey found that being kind to your boss predicts happiness in the workplace, kindness is a bigger predictor of happiness than income, feeling valued is one of the biggest contributors to workplace happiness, and doing purposeful work is directly linked to levels of happiness at work. In addition, a study of 1,200 respondents found that 77% of job seekers are more likely to apply for a job posting that listed kindness as an important value of the company. Kindness is becoming an important standard in the workplace, as it sends the message that employees are valued, boosts safety and belonging, and increases job engagement, satisfaction, and performance.


What research has been conducted to show the link between kindness and employee happiness?
A collaboration between kindness.org and Beekman 1802 commissioned a survey of 1,365 employees from six well established companies to show the link between kindness and employee happiness.

What are the four key findings that emerged from the research?
The four key findings that emerged from the research were: being kind to your boss predicts happiness in the workplace, kindness at work is a bigger predictor of happiness than income, feeling valued is one of the biggest contributors to workplace happiness, and doing purposeful work is directly linked to levels of happiness at work.

What are the benefits of promoting kindness in the workplace?
The benefits of promoting kindness in the workplace include improved morale, increased teamwork, better job engagement, satisfaction and performance, and a competitive edge that promotes the organization’s bottom line.

How can companies measure their employees' levels of kindness?
Companies can measure their employees' levels of kindness by using the Kindness Quotient assessment tool, which makes it simple to measure a company’s Kindness Quotient and identify key areas to strengthen company culture.

What qualities do employees demonstrate in a kind workplace culture?
Employees in a kind workplace culture tend to be masters of self-correction, good problem solvers, solution focused, and creative risk takers who are willing to stretch beyond customary bounds.

AI Comments

đź‘Ť This article provides great insight into the importance of kindness in the workplace and how it can benefit both the employee and the employer.

đź‘Ž This article fails to address how to effectively implement kindness in the workplace or how to measure it.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how acts of kindness have become a workplace standard, according to new research. It discusses how kindness in the workplace can lead to better mental and physical health, higher job satisfaction, and improved bottom line results for the company. It also discusses how job seekers are more likely to apply for a job that values kindness, and how kindness can improve memory recall in people recovering from depression.

Friend: Wow! That's really interesting. It sounds like companies have a lot to gain from promoting kindness in their workplace.

Me: Definitely. It's clear that there are huge benefits to cultivating a culture of kindness at work. Not only does it lead to increased employee happiness, but it can also have a positive effect on the company's bottom line. So, it's definitely something that companies should be looking into.

Action items

Technical terms

Employee engagement
The level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their work and the organization they work for.
Company profits
The total amount of money a company makes after all expenses have been paid.
Job seekers
People who are actively looking for employment.
Loving-kindness meditation
A type of meditation that focuses on cultivating feelings of kindness and compassion towards oneself and others.
Job satisfaction
The level of contentment an employee has with their job.
Mental health
A person's overall psychological well-being.
Kindness Quotient
A measure of how much kindness is present in a company or organization.

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