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Mental health needs of workforce have ‘never been greater’ and are still soaring, new study finds


A new study has found that 77% of large employers have reported an increase in employee mental health needs, and 16% expect it to rise further. As mental ill health costs businesses £56bn annually, experts are calling for employers to invest in this area. Additionally, virtual health and wellbeing provision is becoming less popular, and employers should have good processes in place to manage employee health and wellbeing. Poor mental health can have a significant impact on an organisation's success, and employers should consider offering flexible resources and benefits such as 24/7 GPs and health cash plans.


What are the findings of the Business Group on Health's 2024 Large Employer Health Care Strategy survey?
The Business Group on Health's 2024 Large Employer Health Care Strategy survey found that 77 per cent of large employers are reporting an increase in employee mental health needs, with 16 per cent expecting this to rise in the future.

How much are mental ill health costs businesses annually?
Mental ill health costs businesses £56bn annually.

What are employers being advised to do to support employee mental health?
Employers are being advised to listen to what their people need and their concerns and ensure that any wellbeing strategy reflects the requirements of their people.

What are the predictions for employee health in England by 2040?
The Health Foundation's analysis predicted more than 9.1 million people will suffer “major illnesses” by 2040.

What are the suggested solutions to minimise absence levels and retain employees?
Solutions suggested to minimise absence levels and retain employees include having good health and wellbeing processes, such as return-to-work meetings, managerial check-ins, personalisation of work and understanding of conditions or disabilities, as well as offering mental and physical health support systems.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great resource for employers to understand the importance of investing in mental health support for their employees. It provides useful insight into the rising mental health needs of the workforce and the potential costs of inaction.

👎 This article fails to mention any practical strategies for employers to implement to better support their employees' mental health needs. It simply makes vague suggestions without providing any concrete solutions.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the mental health needs of the workforce that are expected to continue rising. The majority of large employers are reporting an increase in employee mental health needs, with 16 per cent expecting this to rise in the future. The article also talks about how employers need to invest in this area, and that both physical and mental health support systems need to be offered by businesses.

Friend: Wow, that's really concerning. It sounds like businesses need to step up and start taking better care of their employees' mental health.

Me: Absolutely. The article also mentions that organizations need to have good health and wellbeing processes in place, such as return-to-work meetings, managerial check-ins, and understanding of conditions or disabilities in order to drive good outcomes for employers and employees. Plus, they should also consider offering benefits such as 24/7 GPs and health cash plans.

Action items

Technical terms

Mental health needs
Refers to the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of an individual, which is impacted by various factors such as stress, trauma, and mental illness.
Wellbeing provision
Refers to the measures taken by employers to ensure the mental health and wellbeing of their employees. This can include offering mental health support services, providing flexible working arrangements, and offering health benefits.
ONS figures
Refers to the Office for National Statistics, which is the UK's official statistical body.
Deloitte report
Refers to a report published by Deloitte, a professional services firm, which found that mental ill health costs businesses £56bn annually.
NHS waiting lists
Refers to the waiting lists for medical services provided by the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK.
Virtual health
Refers to the use of technology to provide health services, such as telemedicine and online health resources.
Return-to-work meetings
Refers to meetings between employers and employees to discuss the employee's return to work after an absence due to illness or injury.
Managerial check-ins
Refers to meetings between managers and employees to discuss the employee's progress and performance.
The Health Foundation
Refers to a UK-based charity that works to improve the quality of health and care in the UK.
St Christopher’s Hospice
Refers to a UK-based charity that provides palliative care and support for people with life-limiting illnesses.

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