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Down the Rabbit Hole Into Donald Trump’s Brain


In this article, Michael Wolff examines the behavior and words of former President Donald Trump, who is facing multiple felony charges and is in the running for the Republican nomination. Wolff discusses Trump's tendency to make statements that defy logic, and the challenge prosecutors will face in trying to prove that his words are nefarious rather than spontaneous. He notes that Trump's supporters and opponents alike often dismiss his words, yet they could be used against him in a court of law. He suggests that the prosecutors may have to paint a picture of Trump that is contrary to the one that people who have met him know, and that the outcome of the trials could be unexpected.


What did Mark Meadows say about Donald Trump's request to Brad Raffensperger?
Mark Meadows said that Donald Trump's request to Brad Raffensperger was part of his unmediated fire hose of verbiage, an unstoppable sequence of passing digressions, gambits and whims, more attuned to the rhythms of his voice than to any obligation to logic or, often, to any actual point or meaning at all and hardly worth taking notice of.

What did Tony Schwartz conclude about Donald Trump's rhetoric?
Tony Schwartz concluded that if you took Donald Trump at his word, you were the fool, and yet, perhaps even more to the point, he succeeds because he comes to believe himself, making him the ultimate fool (as well as the ultimate salesman).

How will prosecutors attempt to prove Donald Trump's crimes?
Prosecutors will try to use Donald Trump's words against him and try to establish a link between his political success and an evil purpose. They will also try to prove specific intent or capture his state of mind under several broad, ill-defined statutes like the Espionage Act, RICO, conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

What is the paradox that Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans face?
The paradox that Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans face is that the terrible possibility for them that Donald Trump could become the president again is balanced only by their fail-safe certainty of conviction on at least some of the state and federal felony charges he is facing.

What is the dynamic between the prosecutors and Donald Trump's legal team?
The dynamic between the prosecutors and Donald Trump's legal team is an asymmetric battle between the government's precise and thorough prosecutors and Mr. Trump's head-smacking gang of woeful lawyers.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an insightful and comprehensive look at Donald Trump's behavior and the challenges that prosecutors face in attempting to hold him accountable for his actions.

👎 This article is overly long and doesn't provide any clear conclusion about Donald Trump's culpability.

AI Discussion

Me: It discusses the implications of Donald Trump's behavior in light of upcoming trials. It talks about how he speaks with a certain "rhythm" and how his words might be used against him to prove his guilt. It also talks about his chaotic behavior and how his lawyers might have difficulty proving his innocence. The author also speculates that Trump's supporters and jurors might not recognize the figure that prosecutors present in court.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It seems like the author is making a case that Trump's chaotic behavior might be used to his advantage in court, even though it's infuriating to many. Do you think this could be true?

Me: It's hard to say. I think the author is just speculating and it will be interesting to see how the trials play out. The prosecutors will have to prove that Trump's words and actions were part of a larger plan and not just the actions of a bad boy. It might be difficult to prove this without any exchange of money or quid pro quo.

Action items

Technical terms

The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge and how it is acquired.
A large number of words used in speech or writing.
Quid Pro Quo
An exchange of goods or services, where one transfer is contingent upon the other; a favor for a favor.
A person who believes that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated.
Noisily and stubbornly defiant.
Smoking Gun
Evidence that clearly proves someone's guilt.
The quality of being easily seen through, or understood.
To lift or raise something.
A small bomb used for blowing up gates and walls when assaulting a fortification.
Not identical on both sides of a central line.
Wrongdoing or misconduct, especially by a public official.
A comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.

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