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A signature of chromosomal instability inferred from gene expression profiles predicts clinical outcome in multiple human cancers


This article details the development of a computational method to characterize aneuploidy in tumor samples. A signature of chromosomal instability was identified from specific genes whose expression was consistently correlated with total functional aneuploidy in several cancer types. This signature was predictive of poor clinical outcome in 12 cancer data sets representing six cancer types and was also higher in metastasis samples than in primary tumors. The findings of this article provide a means to assess the potential role of chromosomal instability in determining malignant potential over a broad range of tumors.


What is the signature of chromosomal instability used to predict clinical outcomes in multiple human cancers?
The signature of chromosomal instability used to predict clinical outcomes in multiple human cancers is a univariate measure termed total functional aneuploidy.

How is the total level of chromosomal aberration in a given tumor measured?
The total level of chromosomal aberration in a given tumor is summarized in a univariate measure termed total functional aneuploidy.

What is the relationship between functional aneuploidy and DNA-based measures of chromosomal aberrations?
The relationship between functional aneuploidy and DNA-based measures of chromosomal aberrations is that the signature of chromosomal instability is derived from specific genes whose expression is consistently correlated with total functional aneuploidy in several cancer types.

What are the implications of the signature of chromosomal instability on determining malignant potential?
The implications of the signature of chromosomal instability on determining malignant potential is that net overexpression of this signature is predictive of poor clinical outcome in 12 cancer data sets representing six cancer types, and is able to stratify grade 1 and grade 2 breast tumors according to clinical outcome.

What are the potential applications of this chromosomal instability signature?
The potential applications of this chromosomal instability signature include using it as a means to assess the potential role of chromosomal instability in determining malignant potential over a broad range of tumors, and as a predictor of survival in breast cancer, lymph-node-negative primary breast cancer, and gliomas.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an important contribution to our knowledge of chromosomal instability and its role in determining malignant potential.

👎 The article does not adequately address the complexities of chromosomal instability and its effects on cancer.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how chromosomal instability can be inferred from gene expression profiles, and how it can predict clinical outcomes in multiple human cancers.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, this article shows that chromosomal instability is an important predictor of clinical outcomes in a variety of cancers. This could allow for more accurate diagnosis and treatment of these cancers, and could potentially lead to better survival rates. It also shows that gene expression profiles can be used to identify chromosomal instability, which could help us to better understand the underlying mechanisms behind cancer progression.

Action items

Technical terms

A condition in which a cell has an abnormal number of chromosomes.
Total Functional Aneuploidy
A univariate measure that summarizes the total level of chromosomal aberration in a given tumor.
Signature of Chromosomal Instability
A set of genes whose expression is consistently correlated with total functional aneuploidy in several cancer types.
The spread of cancer cells from one part of the body to another.
A type of programmed cell death that is distinct from apoptosis and necrosis.
A human protein associated in the progression of mitosis.
A forkhead transcription factor.
A microtubule binding and bundling protein.
A protein involved in the formation of the mitotic spindle midzone.

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