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Out of the Wild


This article explores the concept of Interventionist Conservation, where conservationists actively intervene in natural ecosystems in order to achieve desired outcomes. The article discusses the history of conservation in the United States, and the shift from passive to active conservation. It looks at the way that conservationists are now actively intervening in ecosystems, such as reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone National Park, and how these interventions can have both positive and negative consequences. The article also examines the ethical implications of intervening in nature and the need for conservationists to be aware of the potential impacts of their actions.


What is the concept of interventionist conservation?
Interventionist conservation is an approach to conservation that involves actively intervening in the environment to protect and restore habitats and species.

How has the approach to conservation changed in recent years?
In recent years, the approach to conservation has shifted from a passive, hands-off approach to a more active, interventionist approach.

What are the benefits of interventionist conservation?
The benefits of interventionist conservation include the ability to actively protect and restore habitats and species, as well as the potential to create new habitats and species.

What challenges does interventionist conservation face?
Challenges faced by interventionist conservation include the potential for unintended consequences, the need for careful monitoring and evaluation, and the need for adequate funding.

What are the implications of interventionist conservation for the environment?
The implications of interventionist conservation for the environment are that it can help to protect and restore habitats and species, as well as create new habitats and species. It can also help to reduce the impact of human activities on the environment.

AI Comments

👍 This article paints an informative and thought-provoking portrait of interventionist conservation and how it differs from traditional conservation strategies.

👎 The article fails to provide a comprehensive overview of the advantages and drawbacks of interventionist conservation.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about interventionist conservation, which is when conservationists actively intervene in the environment, rather than just relying on passive measures like protecting land. The article looks at the pros and cons of this approach.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this approach?

Me: Well, one of the main implications is that it can be quite controversial. Not everyone agrees with the idea of actively intervening in nature, since it can have unintended consequences. On the other hand, it can also be beneficial in certain cases, like when a species is on the brink of extinction. In these cases, interventionist conservation can be necessary to ensure the species' survival. It can also be beneficial in other ways, like when species are overpopulated and need to be managed. So, while it can be controversial, it can also be useful in certain situations.

Action items

Technical terms

Interventionist Conservation
Interventionist conservation is a type of conservation that involves actively intervening in the environment to protect and restore habitats and species. This type of conservation often involves the use of human-made structures, such as dams, to control water flow and protect habitats, or the reintroduction of species to an area to restore balance to an ecosystem.
Reintroduction is the process of returning a species to an area where it has been previously extirpated. This is often done to restore balance to an ecosystem or to help a species recover from a population decline.
Extirpated is a term used to describe a species that has been completely removed from an area. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as habitat destruction, over-hunting, or disease.

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