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Mental Liquidity


The article discusses the concept of “mental liquidity” which is the ability to quickly abandon previous beliefs when the world changes or when new information is presented. The article uses the example of Albert Einstein and his struggle to accept the new quantum theory and how he eventually changed his mind about it. The article also talks about how it can be difficult for people to change their minds, as it is easier to remain in denial about their mistakes and ignore facts that might change their beliefs. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of being aware of the difference between theories and laws, and to be careful of what beliefs become part of one's identity.


What is mental liquidity?
Mental liquidity is the ability to quickly abandon previous beliefs when the world changes or when new information is encountered.

What was Albert Einstein's initial reaction to quantum physics?
Albert Einstein initially hated the idea of quantum physics and viewed it as heresy. He believed that the universe worked in clean, rational, ways that could be measured with precision.

What psychological phenomenon explains why people cling to beliefs that may be wrong?
The psychological phenomenon of the end of history illusion explains why people cling to beliefs that may be wrong. It is the idea that people are aware of how much their personality has changed in the past, but they assume it will be stable in the future.

What advice did Visa founder Dee Hock have regarding beliefs?
Dee Hock advised that "A belief is not dangerous until it turns absolute." He warned against letting beliefs become part of one's identity.

What is the difference between rules and theories in different fields?
The difference between rules and theories in different fields is that rules are unimpeachable and cannot ever change, while theories are just a collection of maybes.

AI Comments

👍 I really appreciate this article and the way it encourages people to challenge their beliefs and not be so rigid. Mental liquidity is a really valuable skill and it's great to be reminded of it.

👎 This article is a bit too preachy and over-simplifies the issue of mental liquidity. It's not always easy to change one's beliefs, and this article fails to recognize the complexity of this process.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about mental liquidity, which is the ability to quickly abandon previous beliefs when the world changes or when you come across new information. The article talks about how hard it is for people to change their mind, and how it's often easier to fool ourselves into believing a falsehood than admit a mistake.

Friend: That's so true. I think a lot of people get stuck in their ways and don't take the time to consider other perspectives or new information.

Me: Yeah, I think the article brings up an interesting point - that our beliefs can become part of our identity, so it's hard to challenge them. When we do, we risk having to admit that the certainty we thought we had was an illusion. It takes courage to be open to changing your mind, even if it's uncomfortable.

Action items

Technical terms

Mental Liquidity
The ability to quickly abandon previous beliefs when the world changes or when new information is presented.
Quantum Physics
A branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level.
Quantum Theory
A theory in physics that explains the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level.
End of History Illusion
The idea that people are aware of how much their personality has changed in the past, but they assume it will be stable in the future.
Return on Investment.
A strong belief or opinion.

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