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I Tried Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine - [30 Days + Blood Tests] - YouTube


In this article, the author shares his experience trying out Andrew Huberman’s morning routine for 30 days and getting blood tests done to measure the effects. Huberman’s routine includes getting up early, cold exposure, meditation, and exercise. The author found that the routine helped him to stay focused and have more energy throughout the day. The results of the blood tests showed a marked improvement in his mental and physical health.


What is Andrew Huberman's morning routine?
Andrew Huberman's morning routine includes meditation, journaling, stretching, and cold showers.

How long did Andrew Huberman try his morning routine for?
Andrew Huberman tried his morning routine for 30 days.

What changes did Andrew Huberman experience from trying his morning routine?
Andrew Huberman experienced improved energy levels, better sleep, and improved focus.

How did Andrew Huberman measure the effects of his morning routine?
Andrew Huberman measured the effects of his morning routine with blood tests.

What results did Andrew Huberman find from trying his morning routine?
Andrew Huberman found that his morning routine had a positive effect on his overall health and wellbeing.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great insight into Andrew Huberman's morning routine. It provides an interesting approach to a healthy lifestyle, and the 30 days of blood tests are an excellent way to track progress.

👎 This article does not provide any practical advice on how to implement Andrew Huberman's morning routine into a person's daily life. Additionally, the blood tests may be expensive and not accessible to everyone.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about someone who tried Andrew Huberman's morning routine for 30 days and had blood tests done to track the effects. It's pretty interesting.

Friend: What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article suggests that following a specific morning routine can have positive effects on your health. It can improve your cognitive performance, energy levels, and overall well-being. It also demonstrates the importance of having a consistent routine, as it can help the body to adjust and perform better. Finally, it demonstrates the value of tracking your progress with blood tests or other methods, as it can help identify any potential issues before they become serious.

Action items

Technical terms

I Tried Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine
This refers to a 30-day experiment conducted by Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist, in which he tested his own morning routine and tracked the results with blood tests.
30 Days + Blood Tests
This refers to the duration of the experiment and the method of tracking the results. Huberman tracked his results over a period of 30 days and used blood tests to measure the effects of his morning routine.
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