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Can AI be trusted in warfare?


This article looks at the potential implications of the use of artificial intelligence in warfare. It examines the history of AI's success in various board games, and examines the potential for AI to be used in military applications. Experts such as Alexandr Wang, Michele Flournoy, and Tuomas Sandholm give their views on the matter, with the latter two emphasizing the importance of a strong ethical framework and human oversight. The article also looks at the issue of AI oversight of humans, and whether the US would remain bound by ethical strictures if it felt that its adversaries were gaining advantages.


What is the current U.S. policy regarding the use of AI in warfare?
The current U.S. policy regarding the use of AI in warfare is that there must always be human oversight.

How did AI first prove its potential against human players in board games?
AI first proved its potential against human players in board games by defeating Garry Kasparov in chess, Lee Sedol in Go, and four professional poker players in Texas hold 'em.

What techniques has AI developed to solve problems of imperfect information?
AI has developed techniques to solve problems of imperfect information by using algorithms to analyze data and make decisions.

How is the U.S. currently using AI in military operations?
The U.S. is currently using AI in military operations by providing guardrails and policies for the acquisition and deployment of AI, and by using AI to fill in the gaps of imperfect information.

What is the concern of the U.S. about China's use of AI in warfare?
The concern of the U.S. about China's use of AI in warfare is that China may be moving faster than the U.S. in developing AI for military purposes, and that China may not be bound by the same ethical guidelines as the U.S.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting look into the potential effects of artificial intelligence in warfare. The expert opinions offer a comprehensive understanding of the technology and its implications.

👎 This article does not provide enough concrete evidence to back up the claims of experts in the field of artificial intelligence and warfare. The article does not offer enough evidence to support the potential of AI in warfare.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the implications of AI in warfare. It looks at the potential implications of AI if it's used in warfare and how the US is trying to ensure that AI is used in a responsible and ethical way. It also looks at some examples of how AI has been used in board games and poker to gain an edge over human players.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It's scary to think that AI could be used in warfare. It sounds like the US is taking the right steps to ensure that AI is used responsibly, but it's hard to know what other countries are doing. Do you think AI could be a game-changer in warfare?

Me: I think it could be. AI can process and analyze data faster than humans can, so it could be used to make decisions faster and in a more efficient way. But the potential implications of AI in warfare are huge and could be devastating. We need to make sure that AI is used responsibly and ethically, and that there is still a human element involved in decision-making.

Action items

Technical terms

Artificial Intelligence. A form of computer technology that is capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
Civil-Military Fusion
A Chinese policy that allows the government to demand the cooperation of any company, academic institution, or scientist in support of its military.
Deep Blue
An IBM computer system that was designed to play chess. It famously defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997.
An ancient board game that is popular in Asia. It is more complicated than chess.
Alpha Go
A specially-designed AI program that defeated Lee Sedol, a South Korean Go player, in 2016.
A card game in which players bet on the value of their hands.
Texas Hold 'em
A variation of poker in which players are dealt two cards and then use a combination of their own cards and community cards to make the best five-card hand.
Imperfect Information Games
Games in which the other players know things that the player does not know, and vice versa.
Strategy Robot
An AI company founded by Tuomas Sandholm, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon.
Chief Digital and AI Office
An office at the Pentagon that is responsible for providing guardrails and policies for the acquisition and deployment of AI.
Ethical and Normative Framework
A set of ethical and moral principles that guide the development and use of AI.

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