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Why Embracing AI Could Make Working for Money Obsolete


This article discusses how the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) could lead to a future where humans no longer need to work for money. It examines the potential of harnessing AI for the greater good, as well as the need to bridge the gap between progress and prosperity in order to ensure that the benefits of technology are shared by all. The article argues that the advent of AI should be used to redefine the fabric of our society, including our concept of work, wealth, and wellbeing.


What possibilities does AI present for the future of work?
AI presents the possibility of an era where humans no longer need to work for money.

How has technological advancement reshaped the job landscape?
Technological advancement has redefined societal norms and uprooted many jobs.

What would be the benefits of connecting AI with a 3D printer?
The AI-3D printer combination could produce any tool or gadget required, and could even construct robots to replace humans in their jobs.

How has the wealth gap widened since 1979?
The wealthiest 1% have seen their income skyrocket by 275%, while the bottom 90% have only experienced a modest growth of 29%.

What potential does AI have to redefine society's concept of work, wealth, and well-being?
AI has the potential to redefine society's concept of work, wealth, and well-being by creating a world where humans no longer need to work for money but for the sheer joy of creativity and fulfillment.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting perspective on the potential of AI to revolutionize our world and create a more equitable society.

👎 This article paints an overly optimistic picture of the potential of AI and ignores some of the potential pitfalls of an AI-driven future.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the potential for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make working for money obsolete. The article talks about how AI could reshape our societal norms and how it could be used for the greater good. It also suggests that governments should consider handing out robots to the jobless to provide them with a monthly income.

Friend: Wow, that's an interesting perspective. I think it could be a great way to reduce economic inequality and provide people with more economic security. But, I'm concerned that it could create new problems with people being over-reliant on technology and robots. What do you think?

Me: I agree. We have to be careful about how we use AI and how it could potentially impact our society. We need to ensure that its use is beneficial to everyone, not just the wealthy, and that it doesn't create a new form of technological enslavement. We also need to be mindful of the potential for AI to eliminate jobs, and think about how we can mitigate that risk.

Action items

Technical terms

AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI is a type of computer technology that is designed to simulate human intelligence and behavior. It is used to create computer programs that can think and act like humans.
3D Printer
A 3D printer is a device that uses a process called additive manufacturing to create three-dimensional objects from a digital file. It works by laying down successive layers of material until the desired object is created.
Post-Work Society
A post-work society is a hypothetical society in which people no longer have to work for money. Instead, they are provided with a basic income or other forms of support that allows them to pursue their own interests and passions.

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