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Digital Tech Spotlight: Using predictive analytics to make care smarter


Monitoring apps for frail adults are becoming increasingly popular as social care staff shortages increase. These apps are used to help detect patterns in degenerative illnesses, and to help families and carers differentiate between a temporary issue and a longer-term decline. Technologies such as MySense, AVERio and EIT Health's FFalls Predictor have been developed to help detect and prevent falls in the elderly and those with disabilities. The Digital Social Care organisation has also established an Adult Social Care Technology Fund to help support predictive technology in social care.


What is the estimated annual cost of fragility fractures to the UK?
The estimated annual cost of fragility fractures to the UK is around £4.4 billion.

What is the purpose of predictive wellbeing analytics companies like MySense?
The purpose of predictive wellbeing analytics companies like MySense is to provide a better picture of an individual's day to day functioning and the factors that might be affecting it.

What kind of information do the sensors provided by MySense collect?
The sensors provided by MySense collect information associated with activities of daily living (ADLs), sleep quality, heart rate, and environmental factors such as pollen count.

What is the purpose of the Adult Social Care Technology Fund?
The purpose of the Adult Social Care Technology Fund is to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of care technology in adult social care.

What has the European Union initiative EIT Health proven about falls in older adults?
The European Union initiative EIT Health has proven that 28% of falls in older adults are directly attributable to modifiable heart rate and rhythm changes.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an informative look at how technology is being used to improve the lives of those living with disabilities and chronic illnesses. The initiatives discussed are important steps towards making care smarter and helping people to remain independent in their homes.

👎 Despite the promising advances in technology, it is concerning that the government is still failing to meet its digital commitments to social care and that care staff shortages remain an issue.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about using predictive analytics to make care smarter, specifically for frail adults and those with disabilities who want to remain in their homes. It looks at how digital tech can help monitor falls and other health risks. It also talks about how the technology can provide detailed insights into an individual's day-to-day functioning and any underlying health conditions.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are the implications of this technology?

Me: Well, it could be a good way to help people with complex needs better manage their health and live more independently. It could also help reduce unplanned hospital admissions and help people with limited time to live make the most of their time. On the other hand, it could also raise questions about privacy, as the technology could collect a lot of sensitive personal data. And it could take away some of the human-focused care that people in need may be used to.

Action items

Technical terms

Predictive Analytics
A type of data analysis that uses existing data to make predictions about future outcomes.
Frail Adults
Older adults or those with disabilities who are more vulnerable to illness or injury.
Fragility Fractures
A type of fracture that occurs in bones weakened by age or disease.
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
Basic activities that are necessary for independent living, such as bathing, dressing, and eating.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD)
A group of lung diseases that make it hard to breathe.
Integrated Care Systems (ICSs)
A system of health and social care services that are coordinated and integrated to provide better care for patients.
4D Radar Technology
A type of radar technology that uses four dimensions (time, range, angle, and Doppler) to detect objects.
EIT Health
A European Union initiative that focuses on healthcare innovation.

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