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7 Rituals and Routines You Should Steal from Extremely Creative People


This article discusses seven rituals and routines used by highly creative people that readers can steal to help foster their own creativity. These include engaging deeply in meaningful pursuits, setting triggers that get into the rhythm for a routine of creating, using daily downtime for daydreaming, scheduling in new experiences, observing mentors and studying the work of other masters, leaning on and trusting intuition, and turning life's obstacles around. The article also suggests that creative people should not judge their own work, but instead keep moving forward and creating.


What are the seven rituals and routines for cultivating creativity described in the article?
The seven rituals and routines for cultivating creativity described in the article are engaging deeply in meaningful pursuits, setting up triggers that get you into the rhythm for a routine of creating, using daily downtime for daydreaming, scheduling in new experiences, observing your mentors and studying the work of other masters, leaning on and trusting your intuition, and gradually turning life's obstacles around.

How can studying the work of other masters help refine and develop one's own style?
Studying the work of other masters can help refine and develop one's own style by diversifying their creative output, cross-pollinating ideas and strategies, and introducing them to new approaches and ways of thinking.

What is Post-Traumatic Growth and how can it help with creativity and personal growth?
Post-Traumatic Growth is an emerging field of psychology that suggests that many people are able to use their hardships and limitations for substantial creative and intellectual development. It suggests that hard times can actually help people grow their long-term contentment, emotional strength, and resourcefulness.

What is the importance of trusting one's intuition when making difficult decisions?
The importance of trusting one's intuition when making difficult decisions is that it comes from deep within the subconscious and is derived from a combination of previous life experiences and instinctive snap judgements about the present. If everyone else is telling you "yes" but your gut is telling you otherwise, it's usually for a good reason.

What is the key to sustaining creativity over time according to the article?
The key to sustaining creativity over time according to the article is to have a consistent set of rituals and routines that serve as the bedrock for getting remarkable things done.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a great insight into the daily rituals and routines of extremely creative people. It is full of practical tips and useful advice that anyone can use to become more creative.

👎 This article is too long and some of the points are repetitive. It also does not provide any concrete examples of how these rituals and routines can be applied in real life.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about 7 Rituals and Routines You Should Steal from Extremely Creative People. It talks about how creative people use certain rituals to unlock their creativity and get things done.

Friend: Interesting. So what are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it suggests that creative people can be more productive and successful by having certain rituals and routines. It also suggests that creative people should take time to daydream, observe their mentors, trust their intuition, and turn life’s obstacles around. Lastly, it encourages creative people to stay committed to their craft and not be too self-critical of their work.

Action items

Technical terms

A ritual is a set of actions or behaviors that are performed in a specific order and with a specific purpose.
A routine is a sequence of activities that are regularly followed.
Creative refers to the ability to think outside the box and come up with new ideas and solutions.
A trigger is an event or stimulus that causes a reaction or response.
Downtime is a period of rest or relaxation.
A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor.
Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning.
Obstacles are challenges or difficulties that must be overcome.

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